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Upgrade Notes

PRPL implements some of the features which CRPL did not have, save by workarounds.

Accessor Notation

Accessor Notation (AcNot) streamlines the process of changing unit properties.

Where CRPL needed…

<-UID CONST_UNITATTRIBUTE <-Value SetUnitAttribute

…most such changes can be written in PRPL with…

<-Value ->UID.Attribute

There will eventually be a page for this here.

List Accessing


<-List <-Index GetListElement
#Often, it becomes difficult to keep the ordering straight.



This will eventually be documented on the CreateList page.

Global Variables

CRPL had no built-in capacity to handle map-global variables, although a slow and difficult implementation could be achieved through a “watcher” Core or lists.

PRPL, on the other hand, makes it almost as easy to use these as to use standard variables. (It's a matter of an asterix asterisk.)

<-*Var #Read
->*Var #Write
--*Var #Delete
-?*Var #Check existence

<-VarName ->!* #Ref-read (and similarly for the other ref- operations)

ClearGlobals #Same as ClearLocals. Need I say more?
prpl/upgradenotes.txt · Last modified: 2025/02/14 14:57 by