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<- PRPL reference <- Ships


Ship UID, x, y Hull code [int int int - int]


Returns what type of hull is at the position x, y on the specified ship. The coordinates are computed from the left-bottom corner and are zero-based. See this example created by planetfall.

The returned value is defined by this table. Decimal value is next to hexadecimal constants larger than 10 for clarity.

The function returns -1 if the ship id is invalid or the coordinates are out of range. This also ignores whether or not the ship is damaged, and returns data from the ship's plan instead.


# Do something if the center hull piece is a full armor block
<-shipId GetShipHullWidth 2 div ->x
<-shipId GetShipHullHeight 2 div ->y

<-shipId <-x <-y GetShipHullSection 11 eq if # 11 - full armored block
    "Doing magic" Trace
    # ...
prpl/getshiphullsection.txt · Last modified: 2025/02/14 14:57 by