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X Coord, Y Coord Decay Amount [x1, y1 - int ]


Returns the number of damage the plasma cell has taken. The result will vary between 0 (fully healed cell of plasma) to whatever the durability of said plasma is.

-Returns a 0 if the cell of plasma is fully healed and no decay has occurred.

-Returns a 0 if no plasma is present.

-A particle within contact of plasma damages it once every frame. (There are 30 frames in a second)


#Core is on top of a cell of blue plasma that has not taken any damage/decay.

CurrentCoords GetPlasmaDecay Trace #Returns a 0

#Core is on top of a cell of red plasma that had a few blue particles damage it. The durability of red plasma was set to 120.

CurrentCoords GetPlasmaDecay Trace #Returns a 90
prpl/getplasmadecay.txt · Last modified: 2025/02/14 14:57 by