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X Y Range Enemy Untargeted NotNormal NotVirtual OnlyShip Target [ int int float bool bool bool bool bool - PID ]


Finds the nearest target to the specified cell. If no target is found within Range cells, returns -1. If Enemy is true, returns something red, else something blue. If Untargeted is true, does not target something that a built-in unit is shooting at. If NotNormal is true, does not return ordinary particles. If NotVirtual is true, doesn't return virtual particles (Emergent, Omnis, ship hull…). OnlyShip is self-explanatory, only virtual hull particles will be found, works on both player controlled ships and allied blue ships if Enemy is FALSE.

Returned target will be a PID.


#Locate any targetable blue "thing" within 40 cells (default energy mine range) of this Core
CurrentCoords 40 0 0 0 0 0 GetNearestTarget ->Target

"Nearest blue target: " <-Target concat SetText #Show
prpl/getnearesttarget.txt · Last modified: 2025/02/14 14:57 by