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=CMD =COMMAND CreateList list =DESC Creates an empty list. =ENDDESC =EX if (CreateList GetListCount eq0) Trace("And lo, the list was empty.") endif =ENDEX =ENDCMD =CMD =COMMAND CreateListStartingSize (int) list =DESC Creates a list containing a specified number of nulls. =ENDDESC =EX Trace(CreateListStartingSize(7)[6]) #I don't even know what the standard use case of this command is. Someone please write a better example. =ENDEX =ENDCMD =CMD =COMMAND GetListCount (list) int =DESC Returns the number of entries in a list. =ENDDESC =EX Split("There are four words" " ") ->list Trace(GetListCount(<-list)) =ENDEX =ENDCMD =CMD =COMMAND GetListElement (list int) value =DESC Returns the value at the specified index of a list. Lists are indexed from zero. If a list is stored in a variable, this can be abbreviated to <-list[<-index]. =ENDDESC =EX Split("1,2,3,4,5,6" ",") ->list 0 6 do Trace (<-list I GetListElement) Trace (<-list[I]) loop =ENDEX =ENDCMD =CMD =COMMAND SetListElement (list int value) =DESC Stores a value at the specified index of a list. The previously stored value is overwritten. If a list is stored in a variable, this can be abbreviated to <-value ->list[<-index]. =ENDDESC =EX Split("1,2,3,4,5,6" ",") ->list SetListElement(<-list 2 "G") "R" ->list[4] Trace(<-list) =ENDEX =ENDCMD =CMD =COMMAND InsertListElement (list int value) =DESC Stores a value at the specified index of a list. The previously stored value, and all subsequent values have their indices shifted up by one. =ENDDESC =EX Split("1,2,3,4,5,6" ",") ->list InsertListElement(<-list 3 "Spoon") Trace(<-list) =ENDEX =ENDCMD =CMD =COMMAND AppendToList (list value) =DESC Adds a value to the end of a list. =ENDDESC =EX Split("1,2,3,4,5,6" ",") ->list AppendToList( <-list 7) Trace(<-list) =ENDEX =ENDCMD =CMD =COMMAND PrependToList (list value) =DESC Adds a value to the beginning of a list. Any values previously stored in the list are shifted up by one. =ENDDESC =EX Split("1,2,3,4,5,6" ",") ->list PrependToList( <-list 0) Trace(<-list) =ENDEX =ENDCMD =CMD =COMMAND AppendStackToList (list) =DESC Adds all values on the stack to the end of a list. The order of the values will be reversed. =ENDDESC =EX Split("1,2,3,4,5,6" ",") ->list Split("1,2,3,4,5,6" ",") <-list AppendStackToList Trace(<-list) =ENDEX =ENDCMD =CMD =COMMAND PrependStackToList (list) =DESC Adds all values on the stack to the beginning of a list. Any values previously stored in the list are shifted up. =ENDDESC =EX Split("1,2,3,4,5,6" ",") ->list Split("1,2,3,4,5,6" ",") <-list PrependStackToList Trace(<-list) =ENDEX =ENDCMD =CMD =COMMAND CopyList (list) list =DESC Creates a copy of a list with the same contents. Someone more computer-eloquent explain pass by reference vs. value here. Note that if the list contains other lists, they will not be copied - for that you need DeepCopyList. =ENDDESC =EX Split("1,2,3,4,5,6" ",") ->list <-list CopyList ->list2 SetListElement(<-list2 0 "banana") Trace(<-list) Trace(<-lis2) =ENDEX =ENDCMD =CMD =COMMAND DeepCopyList (list) list =DESC Creates a copy of a list with the same contents. Someone more computer-eloquent explain pass by reference vs. value here. If the list contains any other lists, they are also recursively deep copied. =ENDDESC =EX #TODO =ENDEX =ENDCMD