A unit is defined by a JSON file. Below is a list of all JSON tags that can be used.
A guide for how to use these JSON tags to create a unit can be found here.
Unit Tags
displayname (string)
The name that will be shown to the player.
permanentinventory (bool)
When true, the unit remains in the inventory at an amount of “0” even when all are built.
buildmenuhide (bool)
When true, this unit will not appear under the map editor's unit tab.
maxammo (float)
The max energy ammo for the unit.
ammo (float)
The starting energy ammo for the unit.
maxcammo (float)
The max anticreeper ammo for the unit.
cammo (float)
The starting anticreeper ammo for the unit [build 46 and later].
isportal (bool)
When true, this unit acts as a portal for packets.
isapex (bool)
When true, this unit acts as an apex ship.
enemy (bool)
When true, this unit is treated as an enemy (non player) unit.
collectcost (int)
The cost, in green packets, to collect this unit. When greater than 0, this unit becomes collectable.
selectable (bool)
Whether or not a unit is selectable by the player.
movable (bool)
Whether or not a unit can be moved by the player. In this instance, it means dematerialization-based movement (such as player-built ships use).
movelayer (int)
Used for legality of placement for movable units. When units are in different move layers, they do not collide and can be stacked.
hasphysics (bool)
When true, the unit is controlled by the physics engine. This means it will collide with sand and other physics-having units, and be affected by gravity.
moveconstraints (int)
When the unit has physics, this controls the rigid body constraints. The int is treated as a bit field with bit 0 meaning to freeze x-axis motion, bit 1 meaning to freeze y-axis motion, and bit 2 meaning to freeze rotation. As a result:
0 = no constraints
1 = can't move horizontally
2 = can't move vertically
3 = can't move in any direction
4 = can't rotate
5 = can't rotate or move horizontally
6 = can't rotate or move vertically
7 = can't rotate or move in any direction
gravityscale (float)
The scale at which gravity affects the unit when the unit has physics enabled. 1 is the default.
rotatemode (int)
How a unit rotates/flips when moving. 0 = NONE, 1 = FLIP, 2 = FOURWAY.
destroysonhealth (bool)
When true, the unit will auto destroy when the pixel count is too low. The “deadfraction” is the maximum allowed amount of dead pixels.
deadfraction (float)
A fraction (0 to 1 range) that specifies the maximum dead pixel amount allowed on a unit before it self destructs, when destroyonhealth is true.
internalhealth (float)
An optional health that can be used to track damage on a unit. Not related to the pixel count. If internalhealth starts greater than 0 and is then damaged down to 0, the unit is destroyed.
maxinternalhealth (float)
The max optional health.
internalhealthregen (float)
The regeneration rate of internalhealth per game update (30 updates/sec in normal speed).
internalhealthdamageovercreeper (float)
The damage that occurs to internalhealth per game update when touching creeper.
internalhealthdamageoverac (float)
The damage that occurs to internalhealth per game update when touching anticreeper.
internalhealthdamageoverbot (float)
The damage that occurs to internalhealth per game update when touching a bot.
enemyignore (bool)
When true, enemy units like phantoms and bots will ignore this unit.
darkraydamages (bool)
When true, dark rays will damage the unit.
explosiondamages (bool)
When true, exploding sand will damage the unit.
nullifiable (bool)
When true, the unit can be nullified.
riftinhibitor (bool)
When true, the unit acts as a rift inhibitor objective.
ixecore (bool)
When true, the unit acts as an IXE core objective.
anchordistance (int)
The cell range to look for an anchor point. When non-zero, the unit will attempt to anchor itself to land in this range. If not found, placement of the unit will be illegal.
anchoroffset (float)
The distance an anchor will attempt to maintain between the anchor and the anchor cell.
anchorlostmode (int)
What to do when an anchor cell is lost. 0 = destroy unit, 1 = remove anchor, 2 ignore and keep anchor.
movepathenabled (bool)
When true, the unit can manage the mouse drawn move paths. Used by the spirit ship, for instance.
playercandestroy (bool)
When true, the player can order the unit to self-destruct.
playercontrolbuildsupply (bool)
When true, the player can toggle the build supply for the unit.
playercontrolammosupply (bool)
When true, the player can toggle the ammo supply for the unit.
disablecollisions (bool)
When true, a physics controlled unit will not collide with other units.
autoammo (float)
The amount of ammo the unit regenerates each game frame.
autocammo (float)
The amount of anticreeper ammo the unit regenerates each game frame.
ammorequesttime (int)
The time (in game updates) between ammo requests. Default is 6.
cammorequesttime (int)
The time (in game updates) between ammo requests. Default is 6.
ammosupply (bool)
When false, the unit won't request ammo or anticreeper ammo. Defaults to true.
objectivetype (int)
The game objective type for the unit. The types are: 0 = NONE, 1 = IXE_CORE, 2 = INHIBITOR, 3 = ITEM, 4 = EMITTER, 5 = CREEPER, 6 = SPECIAL, 7 = MISSION
selfpowergeneration (float)
Similar to autoammo, except added in the late game update.
physicsmaterial (int)
The type of physics 'material' to use. The types are: 0 = NONE, 1 = LOW_FRICTION, 2 = NO_FRICTION.
destroyalso (string)
The name of another unit type to destroy when this unit is destroyed.
activateixecoresondestroy (bool)
When true, will activate any inactive ixe cores on the map when this unit is destroyed.
showinternalhealthbar (bool)
When true, will show a bar for the internal health.
internalhealthbarpos [float,float]
The position of the internal health bar.
showundercreeper (bool)
When true, the unit will visually sort behind the creeper.
An array of three values for energy production. Min is the minimum (starting) production, max is the maximum production, and rampTime is the time (in game updates) to reach maximum production.
digitalissource (bool)
If the part causes digitalis to grow.
damagerate (int)
The rate at which creeper damages each pixel of a part. Default is 10000.
damageheal (int)
The rate at which part pixels heal when damaged and not under creeper. Default is 10000.
regrowthtime (int)
The game updates it takes to regrow a part pixel. Default is 500.
sanddamages (bool)
Whether sand damages the pixels of this part.
sandparticlesdamage (bool)
If sand particles can damage the part.
alwaysshowrange (bool)
When true, a unit with a show_range will always show the range with a range circle.
fowrange (int)
The range to reveal FOW (fog of war).
constrainwhenoverblockingsand (bool)
For physics controlled units, the unit will be frozen if this is true and the part is over any sand that blocks movement.
applyupforcewhenoverliquid (bool)
For physics controlled units, this will apply a force upwards when over a sand that is a liquid.
dragwhenoverliquid (float)
The physics drag for the whole unit when this part is over a liquid sand.
defaultdrag (float)
The default drag on the whole unit.
shothitlayer (int)
The layer that determines what shots hit the part. 0 = Default, 1 = Shot_Hits1, 2 = ShotHits2
upgradegems (int)
The upgrade gems awarded when the part is destroyed with destroy actions enabled.
collider {“type”:string, other args}
The physics collider for the part. The type can be “none”, “circle”, “box”, “capsule”. For “none” there are no additional args. For “circle” an additional arg of “radius”:float is supported. For “box” two additional args are supported: “width”:float and “height”:float. For “capsule” three additional args are supported: “width”:float, “height”:float, and “direction”:“horizontal”|“vertical”.
image (string)
The path name for the image to use for the part's pixels.
pivot [float,float]
The pivot for the part. [0.5,0.5] is the center.
sortingorder (int)
The visual sorting order used for the part's pixels.
colliderexcludemask (int)
The exclusion mask for the part's collider.
scale [float,float]
The x,y scale of the part.
anim (string)
The path to an image that contains frames of an animation.
scripts [{script},{script},…,{script}]
A list of RPL scripts to attach to the part. Each {script} consists of a “name”:“scriptname” field and then any name:value args to be passed into the script.
A list of controllers to attach to the part. Each {controller} consists of a “name”:“controllername” field and then any name:value args to be passed into the script.
parts [{part},{part},…,{part}]
A list of sub parts. Each {part} consists of a “name”:“part_json”, “position”:[float,float], “rotation”: float, “sortingorder”:int, “active”:bool.
ixe/json/start.txt · Last modified: 2025/02/14 14:57 by