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Global Variables

<-* ->* -?* –* <-!* ->!* -?!* –!*


All of the variable commands can also be used followed by the * (asterisk) symbol in order to access global variables instead. Global variables do not belong to one single script, reading or writing to a global variable will modify the same exact value from any script.

Global variables belong to a map and can be accessed from within different scripts. For this reason it is recommended to stick to a unique naming convention to prevent collisions with other scripts.

Global variables may have the same names as local variables, there is no interference between them.

One example global variables may be used for is storing values which should always be the same across all units. That way it isn't necessary to send a message to each individual unit.

ixe/irpl/variables/start.txt · Last modified: 2025/02/14 14:57 by