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Creates a sand particle based on the tableOfParams. Returns a V2 represeting the next position for the sand particle. The next position factors in the pos, lasPos, and gravity.
If the sand particle creation fails, the returned V2 will be (float.minValue, float.minValue).

The tableOfParams can contain these values:
“sandDef: int in range of 0 to 255.
“creeper”: int for the amount of creeper contained in the sand particle.
“pos”: Vector2 specifying the world position for the sand particle.
“lastPos”: Vector2 specifying the previouls position for the sand particle. This is useful for imparting a velovity to the sand particle.
“color”: Vector4 specifying the color of the sand particle.
“glow”: Vector4 specifying the glow multiplier for the sand particle.
“maxAge: int for the max number of game updates for the sand particle to live.
“ignoreOccupied”: bool indicating if the sand particle should check for collision with sand.
“createSandWhenOccupied”: bool indicating of the sand particle should convert to sand when colliding with sand.
“damagesUnits”: int that is 0,1,2,3. 0 Means no unit damage. 1 means damage enemy units, 2 means damages non-enemy units. 3 (or larger) means damages any unit. “damageUnitsAmt”: int for the amount of damage to do to a unit.


	Normalize(GetPosition(self) V2(0 3) + <-nearestRadioactives -) ->delta
	<-nearestRadioactives <-delta 2 * - ->lastPos
	80 ->sandParticleCreationData{"sandDef"}
	<-nearestRadioactives ->sandParticleCreationData{"pos"}
	<-lastPos ->sandParticleCreationData{"lastPos"}
	V4(1 0.5 0.125 1) ->sandParticleCreationData{"color"}
	V4(0 0 0 0) ->sandParticleCreationData{"glow"}
	CreateSandParticle(<-sandParticleCreationData) ->sandParticlePosition
ixe/irpl/sandparticle/createsandparticle.txt · Last modified: 2025/02/14 14:57 by