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The Coilship is the player's only defense against incoming phantoms and is therefore often one of the first things the player wants to construct to efficiently defend against this threat. There is no need to construct this ship if there are no Phantom Emitters to defeat.

Unit Stats

  • Requires 48.9 Energy to construct.
  • Stores up to 25 energy worth of ammo.
  • Fits in a box of 18 by 12 terrain pixels.
  • Equipped with:
    • 1x Phantom Beam

Phantom Beam Stats

0 Gems 1 Gems 2 Gems 3 Gems 4 Gems 5 Gems
Range 100 109 118 127 136 145
  • Deals 1 damage per second to phantoms in range.
  • Uses 6 energy per second to shoot all phantoms in range.

Default phantoms have 2 health and travel at 1 terrain tile per frame, so a single phantom beam requires phantoms to be in range for 2 seconds or 60 terrain tiles to destroy them.

Unit Usage

The Coilship shoots down incoming phantoms that enter the range of its Phantom Beam. There is no limit to how many phantoms will be targeted, but the ship will use increasingly more ammunition per beam deployed.

The ideal use of this ship is to keep it in range of other ships, shielding them like an umbrella. Just being in range of ships isn't enough - because it takes time to destroy a phantom, the Coilship wants to be positioned as close to the Phantom Emitters as possible, giving the beams time to work before phantoms can impact any ships.


Help Tab transcript

Help Tab transcript

The Coilship carries an experimental metaphasic defense weapon. Its sole purpose is to neutralize the phantoms emitted by some IXE structures.

Story Unlock

Story Unlock

2 Coilships can be unlocked by collecting the rightmost tech module on Orionis: Ephermeral (Mission 7)



    "type": "unit",
    "displayname": "Coil Ship",
    "permanentinventory": true,
    "image": "bodyNew.png",
    "position": [ 0, 0 ],
    "pivot": [ 0.5, 0.5 ],
    "maxammo": 25,
    "movable": true,
    "parts": [
            "part": "$/weapon_phantombeam/weapon_phantombeam.json",
            "position": [ -3, 4 ]
    "controllers": [
        { "name": "ondestroy_sandexplosion" }

ixe/features/units/coilship.txt · Last modified: 2025/02/14 14:57 by