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CSM mapmaking information and tips

To start creating a CSM map, you need this template:

For instructional video on how to use the template, you can watch this:

You can copy units by selecting and then un-selecting it and pressing C on where you want to clone the unit at.

CSM units

This section lists most important variables on units and how they work.

This is custom AC emitter. They are light blue colored. You can change it's EmitAmt variable by double-clicking it, to change how much AC it produces.

This is the creeper emitter, that will die when submerged with AC. They are dark blue colored. Camt variable determines it's creeper production. PZ variable tells if it will give powerzone on death, change to 1 to get powerzone.

This is the flip emitter. They are yellow-ish colored. Important variable here is Camt, it tells how much creeper this produces.

The AC Multi Tower will increase the production of all AC emitters (including flip emitters in AC mode). If there are multiple towers on the map the bonus will be additive rather than multiplicative. If you want to make these stronger, increase it's Power variable from 1.

This is stargate. colorID tells what color it will be. 0-4 and 6+7 are normal stargate colors. 5 is black stargate, it alternates between creeper and AC on its location.

Super Semiconductor. Set one of the directions to 1 to decide what direction creeper can go at. Takes creeper from opposite side only.

Stargate Blocker. MovementSpeed can be increased to make it move faster.

SG Connector. MovementSpeed, here too.

$BaseValue:100 #base upgrade cost
$AddValue:20 #additional cost per upgrade level

$EmissionEffect:10 #flat increase to emissions per upgrade level

$UpgradeLimit:5 #0 for unlimited, otherwise this is how much you can upgrade any given emitter.
$AutoCancel:0 #If 1, automatically cancels all pending upgrades on chip collection

# valid types: “Materializer”, “Negator”,“Firework” “Variator” “VoidBomb” “Energizer”, “Entomber” “ACifier”
Connector bombs do not take any effect-related parameters.

$Movable tells if you can move this unit or not, you should have this 1 in other one of these units.
$JoinerID can be used to have multiple pairs of these units.

$BombType # valid values are “Conversion”, “Freeze”, “Singularity”, “Defuser”,“Frenzy”, “Omega”, “OmegaORA”, “Flip”, “Weaken”, “Stopper”, “Firework”, “Tuneup” Omega and stopper bombs are not affected by any parameters other tham move speed

$EmpowerRange:8.0 #The range of the empowering circle for enemies. Grants power to all enemy units in that radius.
$EmpowerPow:2.5 #The C power increase it grants. Multiplier, additive with tower multiplier.

$ACEmpowerRange:8.0 #The range of the empowering circle when affecting friendlies. Grants power to all friendly units in that radius.
$ACEmpowerPow:2.5 #The AC power increase it grants. Multiplier, multiplicative with tower multiplier.


$AbsorbCmod:0 #How much of consumed creeper goes to storage. Have this 0 to prevent it from absorbing creeper.

$StorageCapacity:100000.0 #How much can this store before bursting. 0 for infinity

$DestroyModes:“0,0,1,1” #What to do on destruction.

#First value is whether or not to leave a PZ on death
#Second value is to whether spawn rain on death. Storage is rained in increments of 100 creeper. It is not recommended to spawn more than 100 droplets.

#Third value is whether or not to dump stored creeper. Creeper is dumped at 2000 per cell, with no more 3 radius being affected.
#Fourth value is to drop a powering tower. If the value is not 0, the value is the power of the resulting tower.

cwdig/mapmaking_information.txt · Last modified: 2025/02/14 14:57 by