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Wiki Help/Documentation for Custom Units

This page provides an overview of both how to access the Help system, and how to enable the Help system when a custom unit is created.

Player Access to the Help system

There are two ways for players to access the help - through the build menu or, when enabled, through the tooltip pop-up. This method is especially useful to provide information on pre-built units on the map and is functional for both friendly and enemy units.

Build Menu Help

Players can access the help system for custom units in the same manner as they can for built-in units. At the bottom of the build menu, there is an indicator of which key is linked to the Help system (default is “H”). When a unit is selected, the help is active. It will link to the wiki, with the URL for the custom unit UID.

Tooltip Help

When the unit has a tooltip enabled, then the same Help link will appear in the bottom right of the tooltip pop-up.

To enable the tooltip pop-up (and the help link), the tooltip must be enabled.

This can be done in the CPACK editor in the Settings Interface. Fill in at test for at least the popup line 0 field. Adding additional text via the second pop field is optional.

Tooltips can also be enabled via 4RPL - SetUnitPopupEnabled and SetUnitPopupText0

Map Maker Help

Map makers can access unit help through a link adjacent to the build button for the unit. For more extensive help on the overall system, there is also a link to a Help button for the CPACK. This help may be more specific to information only relevant to the map maker and is not accessible in-game by the player.

Editor Help

For custom units that must be placed via the Map Editor, there is a link in the selection button for each unit. These links have the same URL as the player help links.

CPACK Editor Help

These links are available in the CPACK Editor and is also intended as the method for CPACK creators to access and create the documentation in the first instance. Note that when creating information in the wiki, a suggested template will be provided.

CMOD (unit) Help

CPACK (package) Help

cw4/wiki_help.txt · Last modified: 2025/02/14 14:57 by