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Yes, it's planned to allow you to create a full-size .png overlay (with transparency) to overlay the map to create a specific look and feel. More details soon.

Important notes about images and copyright.

Yes, this is important and you should follow the rules so as to not get yourself and Knuckle Cracker into trouble with copyright owners and DMCA take-down notices.

Firstly, know that if you upload a map with an image, you cede all ownership rights and claims regarding the map and the image as it appears on the map to Knuckle Cracker, LLC. You (or the image rights holder) retain all rights as pertains to the image in any other use, but not insofar as the map and uses of the map is concerned.

Now as for images:

  • images must be in good taste and not offensive. Decisions on this is the sole and exclusive opinion of Knuckle Cracker and there is no appeal.

Ownership of images

  • It is preferred that you are the owner of the image.
  • Failing that, you must have the right to use the image. It is your sole responsibility to obtain these rights. Don't go off and write to Disney, Microsoft, Electronic Arts, or any other large company with popular imagery. Those companies are very protective of their images and how and where they are used. At best they will ignore you. At worst they will come here and expect Knuckle Cracker to do work to protect them from their images being used inappropriately on this site.
  • Open-source images, or images licensed under create commons or any other “free-to-use” or non-commercial licensing must have attribution to the source.
  • Images from US government orgtanizations (NASA, US Geological surveys, wtc.) are usually in the public domain and can be freely used.
  • Violations of this policy will result in your map being removed when such violation is brought to the attention of Knuckle Cracker, LLC. Repeated violations will result in losing the privilege to upload maps.
cw4/map_overlay_editing_tutorial.txt · Last modified: 2025/02/14 14:57 by