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Blob Nest

Blob Nests send Blobs which spawn Creeper on impact. Blobs travel across terrain in search of targets to destroy. If Eggs are present on the map, some Blobs may carry an Egg. They can be shot down with Snipers, which will not spawn Creeper. If they had an Egg, the Egg may still release its payload of Creeper. Blob Nests can be disabled with a Nullifier.

Note: Blobs have a collective “memory” of where they have been killed. They will choose a different route to their target to avoid passing through the same spot where other Blobs have been killed.

Blob Nests have editable attributes, which can be modified using the map editor:

Start Delay: The amount of time, in either frames or seconds, from the moment the map is first unpaused to the very first Blob spawn.

Launch Interval: The amount of time, in either frames or seconds, between Blob spawns.

Payload: The amount of creeper each Blob releases upon destroying a target. (Blobs will always instantly destroy whatever they collide with, regardless of whether or not they release creeper afterwards.)

Count: The amount of Blobs spawned every interval.

Target Type: Can be set to 1 of 3 values:

* "Random" picks a random spot(s) on the map to target.

* "Structure" picks a random unit(s) on the map to target.

* "Location" uses either the "Target Loc" defined below, or can be programmed with 4rpl.

Target Loc: The X & Z values for the "Location" setting above.

Life Time: The amount of time, in either frames or seconds, that the Blobs will live after being spawned. Once their lifetime runs out, they vanish, releasing their payload.

Carry Egg Prob: The chance for a spawned Blob to be able to carry an egg (or egg bundle), interpreted as a percentage. Values above 100 will be treated as 100. If a Blob is able to carry an egg, it will attach a nearby egg to it and drag it along. Eggs that are being dragged by Blobs will not pop unless shot by a sniper or dropped by the Blob. The eggs do not necessarily need to be near the nest in order to be grabbed, if a Blob goes near a stray egg, and it is able to carry eggs, it will simply carry that one.

Disable Minimap Warn: If enabled, the minimap will not warn the player of this unit's impending attack.


cw4/info/blob_nest.txt · Last modified: 2025/02/14 14:57 by