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Air Sac Cauldron

Air Sac Cauldrons send Air Sacs, which are powerful enemy units that hover in the air. Air Sacs create chains of Glops, which they throw at units. The Glops can be shot down with Snipers, and Air Sacs can be shot down with many Missiles, which will cause it to drop its entire Glop chain. Air Sac Cauldrons can be disabled with a Nullifier.

Air Sacs have no noticeable limit to how long their Glop chains can be, but eventually the chains will get so long that the Glops at the bottom end up colliding with terrain, causing them to burst.

Map Editor Attributes

Air Sac Cauldrons have editable attributes, which can be modified using the map editor:

Start Delay:
The amount of time, in either frames or seconds, from the moment the map is first unpaused to the very first Air Sac deployment.
Launch Interval:
The amount of time, in either frames or seconds, between deployments.
The amount of creeper each Glop releases upon bursting.
The amount of Air Sacs deployed every interval.
Target Type:
Can be set to 1 of 3 values:
picks a random spot(s) on the map to target.
picks a random unit(s) on the map to target.
uses either the “Target Loc” defined below, or can be programmed with 4rpl.
Target Loc:
The X & Z values for the “Location” setting above.
Disable Minimap Warn:
If enabled, the mini-map will not warn the player of this unit's impending attack.


cw4/info/air_sac_cauldron.txt · Last modified: 2025/02/14 14:57 by