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Custom CPACKs & Units
VPAC Wiki Page
VPAC CPACKs download location.

VPAC Vertu Expansion - Vertu

This CPACK provides hyper-specialized/niched units designed to have a very direct impact on the mission, sparing no indirection. They either do what they are supposed to do and do it well, or do absolutely nothing special because they are not needed.
In other words, this CPACK provides counters to the enemy. It is also 1 of 2 CPACK's completely original in origin that is directly used in VPAC maps on the side of the Creeper.

It also provides certain game mechanics exclusive to VPAC. This CPACK is what really makes VPAC, VPAC.


Global Scripts

Pre unit runtime scripts


  • Defines how many Invader Emitters the player starts with and can place down.
  • IS_SPACE_MISSION is a Boolean which disables the flaming effect entry of Invader Emitters to better fit a theme of there being no atmosphere in the map.
  • PAC_MODE toggle as this CPACK can work outside of the PAC setting.

Expansion V Power Use

Controls how much Power each of the VPAC units here uses in Play As Creeper mode.
Also provides a Boolean for enabling/disabling PAC mode.

Post unit runtime scripts


Manages the camera tracking visuals of units in this CPACK.

Lacer Selector

:WARNING: Do not touch this script.
Provides the button for selecting Lancers without needing to find one and press CTRL + A.
Only enabled in PAC mode.

VPAC CPACKs download location.
VPAC Wiki Page
Custom CPACKs & Units

cw4/cpack/docs/4b916d16-43fa-486f-a1c0-aac0cbcc8cea.txt · Last modified: 2025/02/14 14:57 by