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The V-Tesla IS CONTAINED IN A SEPARATE CPACK AND MUST BE INSTALLED SEPARATELY WHEN MAKING A MAP! It is provided at the same download location of the VAU CPACK and has been designed to work fine with all features of the VAU CPACK.


What happens when you are a scientist in a society that has basically mastered all of science to the point where testing in a lab involves too little variables and it is better to just throw concepts out the window, into the open world, and take notes on how everything within the laws of the universe interact? You get this thing.
-Bored scientist: “Say, you know, tesla systems that zap things are cool and fancy. Best point-defense, a great display of physics at work, and a good challenge to make in any stretch of the imagination operational within the standards of Vertu military quality mandates. Lets make a giant tesla ball that contains so much energy IT GLOWS!”
-Other bored scientist: “Hell yeah! Nothing else to do so I am allll in on this!”

And here we are now with a big ball of shinny zap zap.

-Basic Info-

  • Uses only energy.
  • Costs 800 Liftic.
  • NO AI!
  • Does not react to atmosphere dynamics.
  • Has an OVERCHARGE system that causes the Rift Lab to output a perfectly constant stream of energy packets. Use with caution when energy is tight!
  • ~Unrestricted rate of fire. (Some talk about fixing this is around the mad scientists).
  • Very long range.
  • 3 HP.
  • Will explode in an EMP outburst and stun nearby units including enemy units if they can be stunned. It's a ball of totally safe energy that zaps things that get near it, what do you expect when it's safety features fail?

:NOTE: The V-Tesla uses the same amount of energy per shot as the sniper and deals the same damage.

Some lore

Some lore

So, why is a giant charged tesla ball capable of zapping things doing in the Creeper World world?
Well real quick, I will NOT explain the science behind how this thing works as Vertu has invested so heavily in lightning arc based technology they have exited our own realms of science on Earth AND such science is one of the few held secrets of Vertu which can't be talked about nonchalantly. In short, Vertu is really good at making lightning and tesla based weaponry.

Anyways, the V-Tesla was created in response to hoards of Skimmers encountered by Vertu incursion units. We are talking about waves of over 70 skimmers charging in. Snipers where just too inefficient and unwieldy. The V-Tesla is possibly too good at its role as “a challenge” is important in Vertu's pursuit in constant live testing of science, research, and development. However, 70 skimmers is 70 skimmers. They release Electro Magnetic Pulses, have enough of them and it gets very annoying for sensitive equipment running open data collecting while in service. This makes the V-Tesla an acceptable exception for being too good.

Since the V-Tesla was created in response to tsunamis of skimmers, you will likely not have access to the V-Tesla in most missions. In the event you attempt to summon a V-Tesla via the Summoner and it is unavailable, the Summoner will safely abort after timing out and not transfer the stored Lific while informing you of the V-Tesla's unavailability.

Not much else to say, now when/if you summon it in, be sure to enjoy its effectiveness as it obliterates entire waves with little effort. Just be sure to manage the power consumption of course.

Download location and CPACK information location:

cw4/cmod/docs/fb5bc6df-e623-4611-b942-1b76b4484ed3.txt · Last modified: 2025/02/14 14:57 by