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[VPAC Creeper Expansion] Forb Fabricator

Introduced in v2.8.0.0
Best friendos!!
The Forb Fabricator has the ability to create Forbs which do Forb things. What is there not to love about having Forbs on your side during an Incursion? I can't find one myself because Forbs are the best kind of friendos.


  • Creates a maximum of 20 Forbs.
  • Creates Forbs!!
  • Forbs have 5 Payload per Glop, the same as from those created in a Skimmer Factory.
  • Uses 2.5 Power.
  • Created Forbs have one additional hit point unlike from Skimmer Factories.
  • DAMAGED BY ANTI-CREEPER (Only inside of VPAC setting).

Using the Forb Fabricator

After the Forb Fabricator has been used for quite some time by the C.V-S, its potential has been identified. Yes, we just took Forbs and slapped them into a system and said, “now lets see if it actually works” and had no idea if Forbs where going to be of any use to the C.V-S for the VWC Project. Turns out, they do, much to the expectations of our confidence.

20 Forbs make for a supreme source of Crimson, if no Snipers are around to ruin their day and the Fabricator has had the time to construct the maximum 20.
The Glops they shoot out that create Creep are a bonus, but they make for SUPREME distractions against Fighter Drones as they constantly assault the Globs shot out by Forbs which do so rapidly. Forbs make for great companions with Lancers when fighting Fighter Drones as a single Forb can distract a small swarm of them, keeping the Lancer unharmed in its battle against the swarm.

In short, this fabricator is an investment, but once it gets going, produces massive amounts of Crimson and the wondering Forbs can massively aid Lancers fighting Fighter Drones.


Those among the VWC project have always looked towards Forbs with an inherit bias. There was just something to love about the little things when launching Incursions of weaponized Creeper within the CW4 Universe. Even before the VWC project, Forbs where still very liked, just not as widespread.
It is quite shocking it took so long to develop but the VWC project was focused on more large-scale systems, much like the Air Sac Fabricator where Air Sacs have seen much distaste for their ineffectiveness. Then there was the addenda of enhancing existing VWC systems which is a maintenance thing for the VWC project but is still very important. Simply adding more systems also adds more developmental maintenance while the development of the new system draws effort away from the maintenance of other systems, including core systems like the Power Display Interface and wireless energy management systems.

Now that the older systems received their fair amount of attention (and have reached desirable progress in contrast to their prior states), it became time to make the Forb Fabricator. …And its code took less than an hour to complete. Its apparatus design however, took significantly longer and was the main concern for the share of development time especially with the VWC project's history of limited <REDACTED>, causing design production to be slow and DATA_EXPUNGED.
It is here now, and we are very happy.

As for how the Forbs are made, the fabricator simply replicates the method the Skimmer Factory uses (as it is rather mechanical rather than “biological”) and no control implants where necessary unlike in the Air Sac Fabricator. The created Forbs are fully free from control and do their own thing just like the Forbs created by a Skimmer Factory.
The Forb Fabricator had by far the easiest development into the VWC project. Yet another reason it took so long and kept its development low priority.

cw4/cmod/docs/d1df53ea-8fd3-41ad-91e0-bae9adb3b199.txt · Last modified: 2025/02/14 14:57 by