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How to destroy

These structures do nothing by themselves, and can be nullified by a standard nullifier.

In fact, the strcuture is sensitive enough that once nullification starts, it will rapidly decay and explode due to overload.

The structure true purpose is to power and control nearby Creepelisks. Creepelisk

Selecting the unit will show indicators for which Creepelisks are linked to this structure.


“Observation concluded. Data submission in progress.

In summary: Power source inexhaustible. Beam showed no reduction in power even after destroying 387 civilian transports.

Test to overwhelm inconclusive. Destroyed 40 civilian transports in 40 seconds.

Expenditure of civilian assets ineffective tactic.

Recommendation: Continue existing tactic of destroying connected control structures.” -Administrator Jessica-77A.


cw4/cmod/docs/b97b35a4-a88b-42c3-9939-7df33f2434a4.txt · Last modified: 2025/02/14 14:57 by