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(clockwise from top - Mastodon in building frame, Creepadon, Mastodon built, Mastodon Husk)

The Mastodon is the first in the line of Walker units developed using technology recovered from the Minotaur (Creeper World 4 map “FPS: Minos”).

Much like the Airship, this is built with a framework around it which explodes once built, meaning this unit cannot be ERN'd.

It has 2 weapons - the turret on top is a powerful rail gun capable of destroying most Sleeper units and Creeper structures within 1-2 hits, capable of firing on land and air units with equal ease, and it can fire a laser from its' front “tusks” to annihilate any creeper within a short line.

It's weaknesses are that it has to walk along the ground, and any terrain change steeper than 1 height will prevent it from moving, so if you wish for it to reach a location, you need to guide it appropriately. It will slowly take damage from creeper, so try not to leave it submerged for long periods of time.

It also has an “auto-roam” mode, which will set it to randomly wandering around the map, attacking creeper and Sleeper units in its' path.

Mastodon Husk

When a Mastodon/Creepadon is destroyed, it leaves behind a husk that can be salvaged by either side. If it is damaged enough by creeper (represented by its' health) then it will be resurrected as a Creepadon with half health. If you supply 300 units of power to it, it will instead resurrect as a Mastodon at half health.


The Sleeper's corrupted version of the Mastodon, dubbed “Creepadon”, is identical to the Mastodon except for the below: The railgun is damaged and deals slightly less damage (although still capable of taking out most player buildings in 1-2 hits) - it can target the player but instead of direct damage, it deposits creeper at your location. The Tusk weapon fires a small line of creeper in front of it, instead of annihilating creeper. The Creepadon is damaged by Anticreeper instead of creeper.


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