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[Vertu's CW4 Particle Fleet] Energy Source


This special energy anomaly is an exploitable source of energy. These can be found anywhere but since they emit large quantities of energy, most of the surrounding matter is blown/vaporized away, leaving them in the middle of space typically.

Lathe Turret Systems on ships like the Lathe can construct Energy Collectors around these Energy Sources to extract the emitted energy which is displayed at the top of the source. These constructed Energy Collectors can then build ships and structures as well as more importantly, power nearby ships in the middle of space away from nearby infrastructure. This makes the Energy Source a strategic item and location which can make the logistics of powering a fleet MUCH EASIER.

Hidden Danger



Should for what ever reason an Energy Source go unstable it will violently explode, expanding to many times its size previously and begin to slowly collapse. The initial explosion will DEVESTATE EVERYTHING EVEN OUTSIDE THE EXPLOSION BLOOM. ONLY HEAVILY ARMORED SHIPS CAN SURVIVE THE INITIAL EXPLOSION JUST OUTSIDE OF THE BLOOM, THE LIGHTEST BEING CRUISERS (as seen in the next image).
The explosion is so powerful that NOTHING will survive unscaved, not even even terrain. Very little is known how or why Energy Sources may explode but in the event an Energy Source is about to explode and it is somehow known, GET AS FAR AWAY FROM IT AS POSSIBLE TO BE SAFE.
The explosion released is proportionate to the Energy Level of the Energy Source prior explosion. Again, these explosions are rare and little is known about them but an Energy Source where 25 Energy can be collected by an Energy Collector will have a much larger affect radius upon going boom than an Energy Source with 5 energy.

After exploding:
After the initial explosion, the Energy Source will begin to collapse rather slowly compared to the amount of energy released. THIS DOES NOT MEAN IT IS SAFE TO GO NEAR THE BLOOM! Anything too close to the bloom will begin being annihilated by the massive amount of radiation emitting. Circuits will fry, electrical data will be wiped, systems will fail, the ship will melt (though this takes much longer than all the prior combined). We are also talking GAMMA RADIATION, no hazmat suit is going to save you outside your ship, no walls of concrete or lead will save you either, only the radiation shield and liquid water shell of the ship will protect you from a swift death of radiation poisoning. An Energy Source Bloom is by far one of the quickest way to die from radiation exposure.
Note: The only ship currently crewed are mobile Headquarter class ships. Ships like the Lathe and Cruiser are not manned and are instead controlled wirelessly. Due to this, the latest remote control technology has been invested into these ships, making control possible even when experiencing radiation damage from Energy Source Blooms. However, if a ship where to stray too close, control will be lost.

The “view at own risk” was requested by leaders of Corporate and advised to only be viewed by captains of mobile Headquarters class ships and not their crew.


cw4/cmod/docs/7cf58e70-03d2-466e-b824-0d7607695ed8.txt · Last modified: 2025/02/14 14:57 by