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[V-Buildings] R.V A-CS Laser - Vertu

The R-Vertu Anti-Capital Ship Laser is the only serious weapon found anywhere within the CW4 universe from the Vertu Empire. It has absurd levels of damage per second, obliterating the NEXUS (100 health) in SECONDS. It is picky with what it can shoot at, for sake of sporting in the VWC project and how the VWC project occasionally incudes the use of the Vertu Frigate. This laser was employed only to ensure the Vertu Frigate can get in on the VWC project in some way.

Upon a target entering range, the R.V A-CS Laser will aim and once locked on, begin to charge up its laser, producing a menacing hum. This is your only chance to avoid complete annihilation so you better react fast.


  • 125 HP
  • 1,000 Liftic to construct.
  • Artillery level range.
  • Incomprehensible firepower. No, no matter how hard you try to override its security, you will not be able to have it shoot at anything undesignated, including moons, which this laser can indeed destroy given a very, very, very long time.
  • Has a limited atmospheric range but has an unlimited vertical range where the Laser is minimally interfered by atmospheric properties. This range is less than the atmospheric range. See the image below if you want to see it.
  • 200 max ammo.
  • Drinks A LOT of energy (about 60 Energy Packets per second). It is a challenge to even provide enough Energy from the Rift Lab to sustain the laser, not that it needs it but its always nice to exploit the fools in that lab.
  • It is also one of the few selectable enemy units in {VPAC SCENARIO}.

cw4/cmod/docs/6f665451-946f-478f-9487-a292ef4c6dd1.txt · Last modified: 2025/02/14 14:57 by