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The code of this unit has been made stable as of VPAC v2.12.0.0 - Orange.
The Lancer is an assault unit which can directly assault enemy units, towers, and some projectiles like Missiles from the Rocket Launcher. It also has a stun mode which has a lot more range and will stun the target unit as well as nearby units while also depleting their ammo by 80%. Additionally, Vanilla Shields are destroyed by this Stun Pulse, including shields not directly hit by the Stun Pulse, making the Lancer extremely effective in destroying a shield wall (depending on how close each Shield is to each other).
The Lancer must be created at the NEXUS using its build beam which will need to recharge for a minute after constructing a Lancer.
The Lancer is constructed by the NEXUS. When the build plan of a Lancer is placed close enough to a NEXUS and the NEXUS is stationary, the NEXUS will begin to build the Lancer.
Once the Lancer is constructed, the build beam of the NEXUS will need a full minute to recharge before being able to build another Lancer.
Additionally, when the NEXUS revives a Lancer, its build beam will also have to recharge but with a much shorter charge time. Keep in mind reviving and building share the same recharge.
v2.12.0.0: Stun mode now applies the automatic target prioritization correctly. Previous versions have this broken.
The Lancer has smart targeting prioritization when told to target “ALL” and “Units Only”. The priority is as followed from highest to lowest:
Mirco-Rift, Nullifier, Sniper, Pylon, Shield
When none of these targets are in range, the Lancer will target the closest nonimpervious unit to it.
When the Lancer is not set to “ALL” or “Only Units”, it will strictly target only the specified type of target, allowing manual and strict control over what it shoots at. “Be Point Defense” is merely a whitelist of various projectiles the Lancer will target and ignore everything else.
The Lancer has to be reclaimed by that Nanites within the Creeper once a Lancer is disabled and rendered dysfunctional by sustaining too much damage. The reclaim process takes a considerate amount of time and can only be done when not in a power deficit and the Lancer is in contact with Creeper.
However, it will always be better to allow the Lancer to repair itself than to manually reclaim it when it is low on health. Manually reclaiming (DESTROY button) still takes some time and the NEXUS takes time to prepare the construction of a Lancer before building it instantly while also having a minute long build beam recharge time after making a Lancer. So when a Lancer is low on health, retreat it. They have more range than an unupgraded Sniper (not ERNed and there is no Weapon Range ERN port buff) so it is very possible to keep them out of harms' way. If you are not facing unupgraded Snipers, then the longevity of each Lancer is your responsibility alone.
VPAC Note:
Only HARDCORE difficulty will have the Weapon Range ERN Port utilized.
Just know this only applies to VPAC maps made by Vertu.
With the VWC project reaching a notable age, the project has been given the call to allow more direct methods of difficulty. Introducing the Fighter Drone.
Although nothing more than drones with relatively simple programming (and proneness to slamming into cliffs), these are the first units designed to actively destroy VWC constructs. Advanced Emitters, Burst Emitters, CSMDs, TCMLs, Flow Controllers, and Launchers are all outright impervious to traditional damage, making them immune to Fighter Drones.
Lancers and Light SAMs can take on these drones but the Lancer is by far the most capable combatant with its fast movement, rate of fire, and most importantly: medium armor.
These drones will attack without mercy, they possess the ability to actively end your incursion by destroying everything you have….. eventually…. However, Invader Emitters are heavily armored against damage, allowing them to survive nuclear grade strikes to the face. But given enough time they will also be destroyed. Do not slack on the defense against these adorable pack hunters.
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