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When a tile with any amount of creeper or a creeper structure (emitter, dark tower, etc) is in range of the Rocks, the unit will destroy a unit in range.

The default unit priority is:

cannon sprayer mortar sniper missilelauncher platform nullifier porter terp tower pylon beacon bomberpad acbomberpad rocketpad miner greenarrefinery microrift factory ernportal runway shield

This unit is most commonly seen in LPAC (Light Play as Creeper) maps.


Fires LPAC Changes

The 'tile with any amount of creeper' has been replaced with 'more than 3 total creeper'. This variation of the Rocks does this check 6 times per second and uses a slightly different unit priority list:

cannon sprayer mortar sniper missilelauncher platform porter terp tower pylon beacon bomberpad acbomberpad rocketpad miner greenarrefinery microrift factory ernportal runway nullifier shield


cw4/cmod/docs/2a7dab2a-181b-44f6-8bd9-dca2a5e28ea6.txt · Last modified: 2025/02/14 14:57 by