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Strategic Missile Launcher (SML) - Vertu

The SML is a super weapon using primarily ARG to construct a massive missile payload to then launch at the Creeper to unleash a nuclear grade explosion, devastating everything around the impact cite.
The SML is expensive, requiring lots of Liftic and time to construct and then A LOT of (primarily) ARG for constructing the missile.
The rate at which the SML draws (primarily) ARG from the factory is 30 wares per second and requires ALL OF IT. This is a significant investment and you may very well need to cut off its supply to ensure the Missile Launchers have enough ARG for Anti-Air.


  • Can create 3 types of Strategic Missiles.
    • Standard 1,000 payload ARG missile. 1 HP. Very fast. Reaches the Exosphere1).
    • Standard 1,000 payload AC missile. 5 HP. Very fast. Reaches the Exosphere.
    • Heavily armored and reinforced 1,000 payload ARG missile. Requires 500 energy once 1,000 ARG is accumulated. 25 HP. Very slow. Very low maximum altitude.
  • Requires 500 Liftic to build.
  • VERY resource hungry.
  • Is a super weapon.
  • Causes devastating damage to Creep.
  • Temporarily nullifies anything around the center of the resulting explosion.
  • Stuns units in a large radius around the impact location.
  • Releases ARG fallout upon detonation.
  • Annihilates units around the explosion, both enemies and friendlies.
  • CSMD (aka Anti Nuke) is a direct countermeasure to the SML's Strategic Missiles except for the Armored variant of the Strat Missiles.
  • FRIENDLY FIRE! (For everything. Stuns, nullification, and damage). Will also vaporize a partial amount of AC.
  • Has a smart operation mode which will disable the SML's ability to draw ARG from the factory if there are too few ARG packets available in it.
  • Auto targeting will cease fire when there is not much Creeper coverage left on the map. (Less than 10% coverage).
  • Will automatically stop pulling ARG when the Factory has a lowering supply. This is called “Smart Supply” and can be turned off.
  • The explosion left behind will vaporize all Creeper around it, including AC. This is the core of the explosion where not a spec of Creeper or AC will survive.
  • Impact damages are as followed: Standard = 25 || Anti-Creeper = 8.5 || Armored = 16.5


The SML was originally a Bertha, the same one created by Knuckle Kracker in the campaign. How the fired missile moves is identical to how the Bertha shell moves. The SML has been modified beyond recognition until you look at its older code and script names.

The SML uses Overlay2 to create the flash of a nuclear explosion across the entire map. This can be disabled/enabled in the Global Scripts by using 0 for false, 1 for true. If you are planning to use Overlays, use Overlay 1, not 2, or the Strategic Missiles will overwrite it upon a non AC missile detonating.

Units are more heavily stunned the closer to the source of the explosion they are. The stunning radius is massive but is short-lived further away from the center. The nullification affect is only applied around the center of the explosion.

The AC Strat Missile is just a missile stuffed with AC. The missile itself slamming into the terrain still causes impact damage and will destroy units at the impact location.

The damage to Creeper of a Strategic Missile explosion is the addition of 3 radii, an outer, inner, and epicenter radius with increasing damage values within each radius and each radius stacks with the others. This gives the SML ludacris damage potential.

ARG shrapnel released by the detonation of a Strat Missile are instantly destroyed on hitting a shield and if enough missiles from Missile Launchers intercept it. Otherwise, it will cause damage to units where it landed and vaporize both Creeper and AC. The main threat is the unit damage so be sure to not slack off the Anti-Air around the core of your base. Especially if using my V-Power CPACK which has sensitive V-Rods and V-Capacitors which can be destroyed by the shrapnel in a single hit and cause trouble.

The part of a planetary atmosphere where the atmosphere ends and space begins.
cw4/cmod/docs/26de30e2-42ea-4d3b-bfdd-b0de80e589b0.txt · Last modified: 2025/02/14 14:57 by