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Pop question! What exactly is the Mobile BattleFront?
An assault platform that supports 4 disconnected guns via magnetic joints?
Nope! It is a communications center (with those 4 suspended guns), housing plenty of data gathering systems that can be broadcasted to all VAUs within a 1,000km radius give or take. This data is used by Fighters to optimize their firing and use the minimal amount of energy and micro adjustments per shot, allowing them to fire at an increased rate now having certainty as to what type of particle dynamics are best suited in the current environment rather than constantly adjusting to very tiny changes that only the MBF's sensor equipment can summarize with sufficient accuracy.

When Fighters benefit from the communication information provided by a present MBF, they will change their Particle Laser shot from Green to Pink in acknowledgement.

-Basic Stats-

  • Uses only Liftic only while OVERDRIVE is engaged to massively increase its rate of fire.
  • Perfectly reliable damage output. (Mainly because it doesn't use ammo unless in OVERDRIVE).
  • Has 3 fire priority settings. Deepest, Mixed (2 guns shoot closest, 2 deepest), Closest.
  • Base summon cost: 1250 Liftic
  • Has AI. (Restock AI unmaintained and is broken).
  • 60 HP.
  • INCREASES THE RATE OF FIRE OF THE MAIN WEAPON OF ALL FIGHTERS! (They shoot green when not buffed, pink when buffed).

-Advanced Targeting

Since the MBF has 4 individual laser guns, powered by the internal reactors, it has the privilege in a all types of targeting. It can target the Closest Creeper with all 4 guns, target the Deepest with all 4, or split the priority (which is enabled by default) so 2 guns shoot closest, 2 deepest.

-Self Powered Laser Guns

So long as the laser guns are not under overdrive, they are perfectly sustained by the onboard Reactor, allowing the MBF to fire till the end of the mission.


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The MBF was developed mainly to test out magnetic lock based platforming, in this case, four low recoil weapons. The experimental chasse quickly became too large for its own good so what better use for the extra space than sensory equipment and premium communication systems.

There was never a communications unit in Vertu as everything in Vertu had communications equipment capable of FTL1) information transfer and a reliable silent broadcast of 2 Astronomical Units (AU)2) The MBF has a silent broadcast distance of 100 AU (things get funky when it comes to information traveling such distances even when it is FTL) and quick note, silent broadcast is a perfectly untraceable broadcast of information typically on a hyper-focused vector where only units within the broadcast angle can hear. The distance this angle becomes so large that it is effectively an open broadcast is the maximum range of the silent broadcast.

The sensory equipment became much more helpful than previous anticipations as, rather unsurprisingly, bigger sensors give more accurate data than sensors that are a CM3 at largest. This has made the MBF a very new mobile operations unit and data retention systems (data banks are just data storage rather then retention, it is best I don't explain the difference) where added to give it the role it has now, support.

The MBF is so new that I have ran out of lore to tell you because that is the modern MBF, nothing much has happened with it. It is a sensory platform using an experimental form of weapon platforming which has been working out.
As for the name, it is a Mobile Operations Combat Platform Unit which houses everything a frontline with advanced technology as Vertu needs. So it is a mobile frontal operations unit, tailored towards combat more than other roles, so, Mobile BattleFront.

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Faster Than Light
1 AU is the distance from the Sun to Earth or 8 light minutes (takes light 8 minutes to travel that distance).
cw4/cmod/docs/09dce69b-c3e4-4651-96fb-9186bf1a040c.txt · Last modified: 2025/02/14 14:57 by