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How to approach (CAUTION)

These structures will automatically annihilate any structure build or landed close to them with a powerful beam weapon.

Clicking on the unit will show you its range, though keep in mind it also needs line of sight, so careful terraforming can be effective in blocking its shots.

Sometimes these are vulnerable to AC (depends on map), and will say so if you hover over them.

If not, then the only way to destroy it is to use a nullifier, which will likely only be possible once you disable the Creepelisk by destroying the control center it is linked to. CreepeliskControl

Be careful, these structure can, and often do, also emit creep similar to how an emitter does. Coupled with how difficult it can be to nullify these, they can pose a significant threat in some circumstances.


“Observation concluded. Data submission in progress.

In summary: Power source inexhaustible. Beam showed no reduction in power even after destroying 387 civilian transports.

Test to overwhelm inconclusive. Destroyed 40 civilian transports in 40 seconds.

Expenditure of civilian assets ineffective tactic.

Recommendation: Continue existing tactic of destroying connected control structures.” -Administrator Jessica-77A.


cw4/cmod/docs/02668959-c97e-4485-951b-6729241c324c.txt · Last modified: 2025/02/14 14:57 by