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<- Creeper World

Story mode

 The Story Mode Menu

The campaign mode of the Creeper World 1 game. This mode will allow the player to learn to play creeper world and become part of a wonderful story unfolding before there very eyes about the human struggle to survive and the purpose of the universe.

In the year 13,271 humanity has colonized thousands of worlds. They found none their equal as they spread into a fantastic and bountiful empire. At the height of their greatness they walked amongst the stars as trough they were gods. But gods they were not…

It fell from the sky without purpose or reason. Fifty worlds fell on the first day. 500 billion lives were lost. World after world fell as man was routed form existence. Nothing could stop what would come to be called the Creeper. It wanted nothing, it could not be reasoned with. It seemed as trough its only purpose was to undo all that Man has done. But all was not yet lost….

The last survivors of humanity have gathered at a world called Hope. Assembled by the visions of a crazed Old Man, the last of Humankind marks its final hours. A great city has been build to house 50 thousand that survive. It will journey from world to world… Never staying longer than it must. Guided by the path set by the Old Man, Humanity's final journey has begun.

From this point on it's up to the player to ensure the survival of the Odin City. The game starts with a tutorial mission on the world Hope. Then your journey starts.

List and descriptions of all the story worlds.

cw1/story_mode.txt · Last modified: 2025/02/14 14:57 by