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<-CRPL Language Reference

Examine Map Resources

You can open any map in the editor to view its CRPL scripts and graphics resources. This can be a great learning tool in order to discover how another map performs some function you may wish to use or modify in your own maps, or just to discover how things work.

To open a map in the editor, we have to move it from its location on disk to the folder containing CW3 editor projects.

  1. Navigate to Documents/creeperworld3/WorldEditor and create a new folder. The name of the folder will be the name of the new editor project.
  2. Take the .cw3 file from the map you wish to inspect. This can be the downloaded .cw3 from a Colonial Space map, pulled off the forum, or even a save game file from a mission in the game you're playing. Copy this file into the previously created project folder and rename it to save.cw3.
  3. Your folder structure should look like this: Documents/creeperworld3/WorldEditor/«Project Name»/save.cw3
  4. In CW3, navigate to Projects -> Edit to open the project, and all the scripts in the map will be extracted into a scripts folder in your project folder. In addition, while you have the terrain editor open, pressing the i key will cause all the custom graphics images to be saved into an extractedImages folder in your project folder.


creeperworld3\colonialspace\maps - Colonial Space downloads
creeperworld3\WorldEditor\<Project Name> - Your editor projects
creeperworld3\data\sectors\DMD - Dial Map Device maps (generated, no CRPL)
creeperworld3\data\sectors\internal\ - Built-in maps
	1 - Arc Eternal
	5 - Credits mission
	100 - Prospector Zone (generated, no CRPL)
	200 - Tormented Space (generated, no CRPL)
	500 - Alpha Sector
crpl/examine_map_resources.txt · Last modified: 2025/02/14 14:57 by