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<- CRPL reference <- Terrain and Wall Commands


X, Y, Level x1 y1 n1 –


Sets the override height of the terrain cell at X,Y. Unlike SetTerrain, the override height of the terrain can be set above 10. This can be used to contain large amounts of creeper and prevent it from overflowing. This is how the creeper is contained in the Credits mission.

Setting the override value to -1 returns the cell to normal behavior with the actual terrain height.

Terrain levels start at one, but terrain override levels start at zero. Zero is the same as the lowest terrain level.

Terraforming with Terps and Mass Drivers will not change the override value of the cell. Recommend not allowing Terps (player unit) or using Mass Drivers (Artifact of Odin) on maps when using this feature.

WARNING: Do not resize a map after applying terrain overrides. If you resize a map that contains terrain overrides it will cause a game breaking bug where you cannot save, load, or bring up the main menu. Since maps automatically save upon resizing, this glitch will permanently break your map if you did not back it up.


# Create a 200 height virtual box around cell 5,5
# An emitter at 5,5 will create a column of creeper, and will
# not overflow unless its strength is greater than 200.
9 2 do
	I 2 200 SetTerrainOverride
	I 8 200 SetTerrainOverride
9 2 do
	2 I 200 SetTerrainOverride
	8 I 200 SetTerrainOverride
crpl/docs/setterrainoverride.txt · Last modified: 2025/02/14 14:57 by