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<- CRPL reference <- Image Commands


A unit UID, image slot, Z coordinate i1 s1 f1 –


Sets the Z coordinate (in floating point pixel space) of the image. 0,0,0 is the exact center of the unit. The Z coordinate of an image is the unit's graphical layer. Higher Z values are towards the back of the map (i.e. behind other images) whereas lower Z values are closer to the camera.

Below is a table of some of the Z values used by the game that should help you place your CRPLCore correctly.

Z valueResult
≥ 4501Below void (completely invisible).
≤ 4500Above void, below everything else.
≤ 2Above terrain layer.
≤ 1.09Above Ore Mine brown ground texture patch. Crystals still visible.
≤ 1Above Creeper/Digitalis/Collector soylent/Green wall layer.
≤ 0.99Above Ore blue crystal layer (Ore fully obstructed).
≤ 0Above unit base layer. This will be the base texture of most units, like a Bomber Pad, or the platform part of a Blaster. Cannons and other bits that “stick out above” are higher.
≤ -0.0001Above map border. This will obstruct the highlighted border of the map.
≤ -0.005Above some small unit details (for example Blaster cannon rear piece, small Command Node piece)
≤ -0.009Above Bertha gun shadow.
≤ -0.01Above unit head layer. These are the “upper” textures of most units, like cannons, or other pieces that stick out. Also renders above shadows of flying units and target reticles of Strafers/Bombers. Does not include: parked ships (Strafer, Guppy, etc.), third and fourth piece of the Bertha gun, and Runner Nest.
≤ -0.011Above Bertha gun third piece.
≤ -0.02Above parked air units and the Bertha gun fourth (last) piece.
≤ -0.03Above Command Node health and AC bars.
≤ -0.1
≤ -0.11Above the second layer of the Shield field circle (Shield now fully invisible)
≤ -1.1Above parked unit ammo bars
≤ -6.3Above Mortar explosion (Tracer still visible)
≤ -20Above flying Thor base
≤ -20.02Above flying Thor details
≤ -21.05Above flying Thor ammo bar
≤ -60Above flying Strafer max height
≤ -61.05Above flying Strafer ammo bar
≤ -500Above the camera, thus completely invisible. Numbers like the Command Node number or the Aether count cannot be obstructed. UI cannot be obstructed.


# Set the location of "FlyingThing" to Z=-0.01 
# (In front of the images with higher z values). 
Self "FlyingThing" -0.01 SetImagePositionZ
crpl/docs/setimagepositionz.txt · Last modified: 2025/02/14 14:57 by