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<- CRPL reference <- Vars and Functions





Input variables must start with a $ sign and be placed before any of the actual code in a script. They define a variable named VAR with a default value of VAL which may be of type int, float or string.

Input variables will show up in a unit's Script Settings when selected in the editor, this allows the editor to place the unit with a different value than the default specified in the script itself, but also allows the the value to be changed at any moment in time.

Input variables are created at the same time as the unit itself (even if the game is paused and the script hasn't executed once) and assigned either the default value VAL (which may be overwritten if the initParams of a CreateUnit call specify it), or a value specified in the editor through the Script Settings.


Commands used in example:

CurrentCoords <-amtToEmit SetCreeper  # At current location, create  $amtToEmit creeper
<-interval Delay                      # delay next action for the specified interval
crpl/docs/define.txt · Last modified: 2025/02/14 14:57 by