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SetTerrainInRange(<-cellX <-cellZ <-minTerrainHeight <-maxTerrainHeight <-radius <-isSquare <-fillRatio)


Sets the heights of the terrain within the radius of specified integer map coordinates. A value of 0 for terrainHeight means “void” or no terrain.
If the min and max heights are different, a random height will be chosen in the range from [min,max].
The isSquare parameter is a boolean indicating where to fill terrain in a square (true) or a circle (false) from the specified coordinates.
The fillRatio is a float in the range [0,1]. A value of 1 means to change the height of every cell in range. A value of 0 means to do nothing. Values in between will affect a partial amount of terrain cells in range.

Note: Changing the terrain will cause the terrain to redraw and nearby units to recalculate line of sight and other data.
:NOTE: Terrain heights of above 20 will not behave normal:
- Creeper will not render properly. Creeper will begin to render at a maximum height of 20 so for terrain higher than 20, Creeper on the terrain will be rendered inside it.
- Most of the terrain renders completely black but for certain heights, like 21, the terrain will render a blindingly bright color. If bloom is on this will be very, very, bright. It is best to avoid these specific heights in case the player wants bloom on.


SetTerrainInRange(42 23 5 7 20 false 0.5)


4rpl/commands/setterraininrange.txt · Last modified: 2025/02/14 14:57 by