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:!: Available in version 2.0 and later.


SetMeshHealth(<-cellX <-cellZ <-health)


Sets the mesh health value for a given cell.
See GetMeshHealth for the value ranges. Note that this does not create Mesh at a location if it does not exist. To create mesh where it does not exist (or remove it), use SetTerrainSpecial.

Applying this to cells without Mesh can create problems, such as creeper ignoring void height. Therefore it's best to only apply this function to cells that have Mesh.
:!: Bug: If you do this to cells without mesh, “mesh health” will appear on that cell, that cell will have the mesh's traits like “Mesh Depth” in the map > game settings, and allows that cell to be targeted by units that can target mesh.
However, it will completely disappear once that cell has been damaged by DamageMesh API or vanilla units.

Cannon and Mortar both deal 0.52 mesh damage, which translates to 520000 for this API.
So [Mesh Health] - [Cannon/Mortar] = 1000000 - 520000.


SetTerrainSpecial(100 50 6)
SetMeshHealth(100 50 1000000)


4rpl/commands/setmeshhealth.txt · Last modified: 2025/02/14 14:57 by