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GetTerraformDigSite(<-cellX <-cellY <-range <-findClosest <-checkActiveCells <-checkCreeper <-checkAC <-checkDenier) ->cellZ ->cellX


Returns coordinates of a terraform marked cell.

  • cellX/cellY: (int) The coordinates to search from.
  • range: (int) The range outward from the coordinates to search.
  • findClosest: (bool) If true, then find the closest terraform marked cell. Otherwise, find the terraform cell with the greatest work to do.
  • checkActiveCells: (bool) If true, then only find target cells that are NOT already being worked on. See SETTERRAFORMACTIVECELL.
  • checkCreeper: (bool) If true, then only find target cells that are NOT in creeper.
  • checkAC: (bool) If true, then only find target cells that are NOT in Anticreeper.
  • checkDenier: (bool) If true, then only find target cells that are NOT in a denier area.

Values of -1,-1 are returned if no cells are found.


GetTerraformDigSite(50 40 10 true true true false true) ->cellZ ->cellX


4rpl/commands/getterraformdigsite.txt · Last modified: 2025/02/14 14:57 by