<html> <script type=“text/javascript”>
function selectText(containerid) { if (document.selection) { var range = document.body.createTextRange(); range.moveToElementText(document.getElementById(containerid)); range.select(); } else if (window.getSelection) { var range = document.createRange(); range.selectNode(document.getElementById(containerid)); window.getSelection().addRange(range); } }
<a href=“#” onclick=“selectText('selectable')”>Select All</a><br/> Save the contents to “Timers.txt”
=CMD =COMMAND GetTimer0 =DESC Gets the current value of timer 0. Timers are set to some value, and then decrease by 1 each game frame (even if the core is in a Delay). =ENDDESC =EX if (GetTimer0 eq0) trace(GetUpdateCount) SetTimer0(30) endif =ENDEX =ENDCMD =CMD =COMMAND GetTimer1 =DESC Gets the current value of timer 1. Timers are set to some value, and then decrease by 1 each game frame (even if the core is in a Delay). =ENDDESC =EX if (GetTimer1 eq0) trace(GetUpdateCount) SetTimer1(30) endif =ENDEX =ENDCMD =CMD =COMMAND GetTimer2 =DESC Gets the current value of timer 2. Timers are set to some value, and then decrease by 1 each game frame (even if the core is in a Delay). =ENDDESC =EX if (GetTimer2 eq0) trace(GetUpdateCount) SetTimer2(30) endif =ENDEX =ENDCMD =CMD =COMMAND GetTimer3 =DESC Gets the current value of timer 3. Timers are set to some value, and then decrease by 1 each game frame (even if the core is in a Delay). =ENDDESC =EX if (GetTimer3 eq0) trace(GetUpdateCount) SetTimer3(30) endif =ENDEX =ENDCMD =CMD =COMMAND SetTimer0 =DESC Sets the current value of timer 0. Timers are set to some value, and the decrease by 1 each game frame (even if the core is in a Delay). =ENDDESC =EX if (GetTimer0 eq0) trace(GetUpdateCount) SetTimer0(30) endif =ENDEX =ENDCMD =CMD =COMMAND SetTimer1 =DESC TODO =ENDDESC =EX if (GetTimer1 eq0) trace(GetUpdateCount) SetTimer1(30) endif =ENDEX =ENDCMD =CMD =COMMAND SetTimer2 =DESC TODO =ENDDESC =EX if (GetTimer2 eq0) trace(GetUpdateCount) SetTimer2(30) endif =ENDEX =ENDCMD =CMD =COMMAND SetTimer3 =DESC TODO =ENDDESC =EX if (GetTimer3 eq0) trace(GetUpdateCount) SetTimer3(30) endif =ENDEX =ENDCMD