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=CMD =COMMAND Concat (string string) string =DESC Takes the first two items from the stack and concatenates them. =ENDDESC =EX Trace(Concat("abc" "def")) # Prints "abcdef" =ENDEX =ENDCMD =CMD =COMMAND Substring (string int int) string =DESC String, Arg1: string to find substring from Int, Arg2: index for the start of the substring (the first character of a string has index 0) Int, Arg3: length of the substring TODO =ENDDESC =EX Trace( Substring("Particle" 1 3)) # Prints "art" =ENDEX =ENDCMD =CMD =COMMAND StartsWith (string string) bool =DESC Takes two strings from the stack and returns whether the first string starts with the second (case sensitive) =ENDDESC =EX if (StartsWith("Hello there" "Hello")) Trace("I opened with hello") endif =ENDEX =ENDCMD =CMD =COMMAND EndsWith (string string) bool =DESC Takes two strings from the stack and returns whether the first string ends with the second (case sensitive) =ENDDESC =EX if (EndsWith("Hello there" "there")) Trace("I went there") endif =ENDEX =ENDCMD =CMD =COMMAND Split (string string) list =DESC Takes two strings from the stack and splits the first wherever the second occurs. Returns a list of strings. =ENDDESC =EX Split("Here is a sentence with some words in." " ") ->wordsList <-wordsList GetListCount 0 do Trace(<-wordsList[I]) loop =ENDEX =ENDCMD =CMD =COMMAND StringToList (string) list =DESC Takes a string from the stack and returns the list of characters in the string. =ENDDESC =EX StringToList("Hello human") ->charactersList <-charactersList GetListCount 0 do Trace(<-wordsList[I]) loop =ENDEX =ENDCMD =CMD =COMMAND ToUpper (string) string =DESC Converts a string to uppercase. =ENDDESC =EX Trace( ToUpper("knuckle")) =ENDEX =ENDCMD =CMD =COMMAND ToLower (string) string =DESC Converts a string to lowercase. =ENDDESC =EX Trace( ToLower("CRACKER")) =ENDEX =ENDCMD =CMD =COMMAND StringLength (string) int =DESC Returns the number of characters in a string. =ENDDESC =EX Trace( StringLength ("PRPL")) #Prints 4 =ENDEX =ENDCMD =CMD =COMMAND StringReplace (string string string) string =DESC string ARG1: The string to be searched string ARG2: The string to search for in ARG1 string ARG3: The string to replace ARG2 with Searches a string for all instances for another string, and replaces them with a different string. =ENDDESC =EX Trace(StringReplace ("Where there's a will, there's a way." "will" "way")) =ENDEX =ENDCMD =CMD =COMMAND CR string =DESC Pushes a carriage return to the stack. =ENDDESC =EX Trace( Concat (Concat("ABC" CR) "DEF")) =ENDEX =ENDCMD =CMD =COMMAND LF string =DESC Pushes a line feed to the stack. =ENDDESC =EX Trace( Concat (Concat("ABC" LF) "DEF")) =ENDEX =ENDCMD