Table of Contents

Sand Types

During gameplay you will encounter and interact with all sorts of sands. This page will outline what they are and what they do. For information on how the different sands are simulated, check Sand Simulation/Chemistry.

The following information describes default settings of various sands; map creators can alter these as they see fit for their maps and the following may not be accurate for maps in Colonies.

You can see how sands are called in-game by hovering over them with your cursor, then taking note of the UI panel at the bottom of the screen:

Sands Navigation

Comprehensive list

Sand Name Classification Description
ACID Liquid sands is moderately harmful to stationary ships and can be used in chemistry.
ACID VAPOR Gaseous sands is a product of acid and lava. After some time it settles back into acid.
AC MAKER Falling sands produces anticreeper.
AC ORE Falling sands can be collected by a nearby Ore Miner.
ANGORIUM Liquid sands can supercharge nearby T.O.M. and B.O.B. units.
BEDROCK Rock Sands cannot be excavated.
BOOMZENE Falling sands is used in chemistry and will explode in contact with embers.
BREEDER LAND Rock Sands may produce creeper or anticreeper when in contact with them.
BREEDER LIQUID Liquid sands may produce creeper or anticreeper when in contact with them.
CREEPER EATER LAND Rock Sands slowly destroys creeper on contact.
CREEPER EATER LIQUID Liquid sands slowly destroys creeper on contact.
CREEPER GAS FALL Liquid sands information needed
CREEPER GAS RISE Gaseous sands information needed
CREEPER MAKER Falling sands produces creeper.
DAMAGEABLE LAND Rock Sands slowly erodes in contact with creeper.
DECAY LAND Rock Sands slowly erodes on its own.
DOWN FIELD Rock Sands pushes creeper down.
EMBER Falling sands sets sands on fire.
FIRE SMOKE Gaseous sands information needed
ICE Falling sands Melts into water on contact with lava.
IXEIDE Liquid sands melts enemy structures on contact.
KIRKIUM Falling sands is collected for extra Store energy.
LAND Rock Sands is the basic terrain that maps are comprised of.
LAVA Liquid sands is very harmful to stationary ships, also can set sands it makes contact with on fire.
LEFT FIELD Rock Sands pushes creeper to the left.
LOOSE METAL Falling sands information needed
LOWLAND Rock Sands will let creeper through when creeper gets dense enough.
METAL Rock Sands melts in contact with lava.
MOLTEN METAL Liquid sands is a product of metal and lava. Ships can't operate in it.
NO FLOW Rock Sands doesn't let creeper pass.
OIL Liquid sands is used in chemistry and will burn when set on fire.
PIN FIELD Rock Sands traps creeper inside.
PIXELIUM Liquid sands blocks ships and can be used in chemistry.
POROUS Rock Sands information needed
RIGHT FIELD Rock Sands pushes creeper to the right.
ROCK Rock Sands can't be excavated.
SAND Falling sands falls down and is damaged by creeper.
SHIELD Rock Sands can be constructed using lathes to temporarily hold creeper back.
SMOKE Gaseous sands information needed
STONE Falling sands falls down and takes longer to excavate.
SULFUR Falling sands is used in chemistry.
TERP GAS Gaseous sands is produced when terraforming using lathes.
UP FIELD Rock Sands pushes creeper up.
WATER Liquid sands is harmless to ships, extinguishes fires.
WOOD Rock Sands burns when set on fire.