Table of Contents

<-Creeper World 2

The Weekly 5-Map Tournament



Every competitor will have until Sunday evening at midnight (forum time (GMT - 5)) to set the best scores/times for these 5 maps, all linked together by their common theme, so just start playing!

The winner (best total score) gets to pick a new theme and publish the dates to be played before Monday evening at midnight (forum time). This will ensure the winner doesn't have a major advantage and also makes sure that every player has 6 days to participate. Last weeks winner is also responsible for determining next weeks winner by calculating/checking the total scores.

Each tournament will have its own topic (Created by the winner of the previous week's tournament) where players can post scores and discuss their progress.

Notes: Click to read

Notes: Click to read

  • It is not allowed for the same player to submit scores with different names. If done so, both names will be disqualified.
  • Winners are calculated by highest total score, however, in the event that two players are tied in their scores, the lowest total time wins.
  • When two players have the same total score and the same total time, the amount of individual #1 spots counts, followed by the amount of #2 spots, etc.
  • When the tournament has been won by the same player as last week the runner up (#2) will pick the next theme to ensure themes & maps will be picked by different people.
  • When this runner up already picked last weeks theme (same top 2 twice), the number three will pick the theme and maps
  • When this number three already picked last weeks theme (same top 3 three times), the winner will pick the theme and maps again

Calculating and posting results: Click here

Calculating and posting results: Click here

  1. Of course the final results haven't been posted yet, but I'm sure the winner will know he has won by adding and comparing his scores.
  2. Use Mopa42's Score Viewer to get totals & export table. Wiki link: Score viewer courtesy of Mopa42
  3. It's a tradition that the winner of a tournament posts screenshots of his solutions for others to learn from. Use the backspace key to create a screenshot; it will automatically be saved in your 'documents\creeperworld2_screens' folder. When posting click 'Additional Options' to be able to attach them.

Posting the next week's tournament theme and topic: Click here

Posting the next week's tournament theme and topic: Click here

  1. When selecting the theme yourself just pick one from the list (see first post of this thread) or think of one yourself. Please make sure it will appeal to a wide variety of players.
  2. When selecting the codes of maps to be played make sure these maps haven't been played before. I would also check if you're not posting any fools mate maps (maps that can be finished without engaging the creeper at all), (also, no impossible maps (undiggable terrain surrounding an emitter) )
  3. When entering the name of the new tournament topic, please use this format: “Weekly 5-Map Tournament - [theme title] - closing [date of next Sunday]”.
  4. Use Mopa42's Score Viewer when posting all tournament data.
  5. Please provide a link to this wiki topic, containing the overview of themes, previous tournaments, players rankings and most important: the rules!
  6. No two maps in a tournament can have the same combination of size/complexity
  7. if a new tournament is not posted on Monday before midnight (forum time), anyone can create the next week's tournament.

From: Weekly 5-Map Tournament topic on Knuckle Cracker forums

Current Tournament Maps

Weekly 5-Map Tournament - Breaking Bad - closing 06 Oct 2013

Map Name: Size: Complexity:
Saul Goodman Small Medium
Walter White Jr. Medium Medium
Jesse Pinkman Small High
Hank Schrader Medium High
Walter White Large High

Current Tournament Standings

Results Per Player

Rank Name Saul Goodman Walter White Jr. Jesse Pinkman Hank Schrader Walter White Total Score Total Time
1 asmussen 12707 11543 12276 10695 9498 56719 46:35
2 Amram 12638 11266 12311 9603 45818
3 MizInIA 11629 10798 11413 8046 41886
4 Anarchy Ape 12411 9860 11184 7947 41402
5 Cavemaniac 12753 11683 12424 36860
6 dt42 12846 11534 12413 36793
7 ea3401 11974 12636 11658 36268
8 inept_celt 11920 10153 11674 33747
9 Atomicfrog 10250 10250
10 Zaggy 9816 9816

Scores recorded at 2013-10-04 08:43:47 forum time.

Player Standings

Player Gold Silver Bronze Points
Helper 12 10 8 76
TheSmileyCoder 16 4 1 73
dt42 5 16 16 68
asmussen 9 8 10 62
mopa42 7 11 7 57
Wheatmidge 9 5 3 49
ea3401 9 1 0 38
ctuna 2 4 12 28
Katra 0 8 3 19
zaphod 2 4 3 19
Amram 3 1 3 17
Lord_Farin 1 4 2 14
Martin 1 4 2 14
Fisherck 3 0 0 12
florrat 2 2 0 12
Eketek 2 1 0 10
the master 1 3 0 10
Evil Roc 1 2 1 9
Kava09 2 0 0 8
Cavemaniac 1 1 1 7
Atomicfrog 0 1 4 6
DethbyIT 1 0 2 6
jlog 1 0 2 6
a 1 0 0 4
J 1 0 0 4
Kithros 1 0 0 4
SmileyCoder 1 0 0 4
Marley 0 0 3 3
Zaggy 0 1 1 3
dhc 0 1 0 2
Gu250 0 1 0 2
TEST_C 0 1 0 2
WheatMidge 0 0 2 2
alladin 0 0 1 1
Durban 0 0 1 1
hegemontree 0 0 1 1
RichieRich 0 0 1 1
sept1973 0 0 1 1
Tim 0 0 1 1
Tiuipuv 0 0 1 1
UoADeadeye 0 0 1 1

Past tournament Maps

Here is a list of previous tournament maps, starting with the tournament closing on 11 Feb 2013.

Past Tournament Results

Weekly tournaments began on July, 7th 2011 and have been a constant feature of the CW2 Code Missions since then.

Tournament Number ThemeGoldSilverBronze Gold ScoreSilver ScoreBronze Score
94 Popular names asmussen Zaggy Marley 59569 57492 46166
93 Subjugated by Technology a ea3401 asmussen 59410 57803 53860
92 NFL teams Eketek dt42 asmussen 58865 58307 58282
91 Star Trek series asmussen ctuna Zaggy 58551 58071 57677
90 Last 5 Themes asmussen ctuna dt42 58802 58641 58246
89 Beer Brands Part I ea3401 asmussen ctuna 60237 59247 59163
88 Monty Python Players ea3401 asmussen Martin 58592 55820 44450
87 Novel from book series asmussen Martin Marley 59356 58478 57735
86 Mystery Writers dt42 Martin ctuna 55956 55915 55591
85 Knights of the Round Table ctuna Martin asmussen 57516 57246 57149
84 Constellations asmussen dt42 Martin 58858 58358 57480
83 Conic Sections asmussen dt42 Marley 55387 55264 53514
82 Unsolved Math Problems asmussen dt42 ctuna 60270 59790 59608
81 Out of our Solar System mopa42 dt42 asmussen 57726 56682 56086
80 Creeper World 3 Blog Entries mopa42 dt42 asmussen 59644 58340 58028
79 The Five Food Groups asmussen dhc dt42 56190 48522 45221
78 Fencing Terms dt42 asmussen Tim 57689 57646 55117
77 Hitchhiker's Guide ctuna dt42 asmussen 60512 60351 59971
76 US States dt42 ctuna asmussen 59050 58759 58685
75 Relaxation ea3401 asmussen Atomicfrog 62634 62183 61985
74Color ea3401 Eketek asmussen 58844 57062 54249
73Military Officers of Music Eketek Cavemaniac dt42 58674 58550 58101
72Deep Space 9 Characters Amram asmussen dt42 59698 59651 59178
71Blake's 7 Characters dt42 asmussen sept1973 59615 58719 56709
70Actors who've played Doctor Who asmussen dt42 Atomicfrog 59899 59201 59170
69Supporting Wolfe Characters Helper dt42 Tiuipuv 58648 58319 58221
68Nero Wolfe Characters Helper ctuna Atomicfrog 58237 58169 58154
67Nero Wolfe Novels Helper mopa42 ctuna 59532 59247 58952
66Coda mopa42 Helper dt42 61838 61804 61147
65Great Mathematicians mopa42 Helper dt42 60112 59072 58996
64Chill Out, Bro Helper Lord_Farin mopa42 60060 60011 59949
63Batman Fight Scene Sound Effects ea3401 Wheatmidge Helper 57878 57267 55555
62Experimental Week ea3401 asmussen mopa42 58407 54929 44150
61Random Code maps that look fun ea3401 mopa42 Helper 60203 59650 59625
60A young woman named Bright TheSmileyCoder mopa42 Helper 61363 61124 61002
59Top 5 Cars of All Time Helper asmussen dt42 58624 58456 57739
58Classic Rock Bands Helper dt42 Atomicfrog 57753 56999 56781
57More Apocalypses Wheatmidge Helper mopa42 61233 61056 56781
56Happy new year Helper Atomicfrog asmussen 56932 56234 54537
55Merry Christmas ea3401 Gu250 asmussen 59539 57576 57442
54Some Bond Girls ea3401 Helper dt42 61367 60942 60506
53Previous themes florrat TheSmileyCoder Helper 58693 58237 57582
52Fun With Names TheSmileyCoder florrat Helper 61973 61971 61180
51Candy TheSmileyCoder Helper dt42 58537 57023 56613
50Gravity Wheatmidge TheSmileyCoder Helper 59652 59638 59007
49Coming Attractions TheSmileyCoder mopa42 Helper 61923 61453 61056
48US Presidential election 2012 TheSmileyCoder Helper dt42 59588 58156 57429
47Greek Gods TheSmileyCoder Helper Lord_Farin 59196 58952 58759
46Card Games TheSmileyCoder Wheatmidge dt42 61157 60011 59977
45Codes TheSmileyCoder the master Wheatmidge 58405 58370 57711
44Doctor Who TheSmileyCoder mopa42 Wheatmidge 59619 59410 59273
43“Big Bang Theory” (Wimmens) TheSmileyCoder Helper mopa42 60044 59847 59819
42Famous Competitions TheSmileyCoder Helper mopa42 60725 60153 60014
41Animal Group Names TheSmileyCoder Wheatmidge mopa42 60101 60020 59955
40Star Trek, the original Helper mopa42 TheSmileyCoder 59004 58856 58571
39Moments in Computer History Helper Lord_Farin ctuna 56339 56102 54324
38The Best Of The Best TheSmileyCoder Helper ctuna 22821 22012 10950
375 Fastest Production Cars Helper dt42 ctuna 59608 58329 57967
36Kingdom Hearts Helper dt42 ctuna 58971 58697 58277
35Semper Fidelis Wheatmidge dt42 Helper 58346 57762 57231
34Beautiful girl of the Whedonverse Helper Martin ctuna 56299 54710 53242
33Stages of the Big Bang Martin the master dt42 58214 58202 57573
32Expensive Paintings the master dt42 Katra 58422 56623 55654
31Famous Addresses Fisherck the master Cavemaniac 59779 59734 59543
30Blake's Poems Cavemaniac Katra UoADeadeye 59332 56989 54276
29Cool Elements Wheatmidge dt42 ctuna 56961 56813 55809
28Planets dt42 Katra zaphod 42179 40565 32627
27Bloons in btd5 Wheatmidge zaphod dt42 59514 58448 57213
26Character Classes in Diablo 3 J Wheatmidge dt42 57632 57574 57366
25Characters from Discworld Novels Wheatmidge dt42 Katra 59995 59581 59315
24My Recent Music Findings Kava09 zaphod WheatMidge 61855 61585 61399
23Extinct Languages Kava09 zaphod WheatMidge 60322 59971 59679
22Dragonlance mopa42 Amram Katra 56257 54729 54614
21R.A. Salvatore's Novels Wheatmidge mopa42 Amram 56298 56278 55840
20CW2 Anagrams Amram Wheatmidge zaphod 59015 58897 58538
19Elements mopa42 Katra dt42 55565 53437 52754
18Ancient Quotes Wheatmidge mopa42 Amram 55607 55570 54665
17Characters of Final Fantasy Amram Katra dt42 58625 58444 58116
16Well Known Figures of Taiwan Wheatmidge mopa42 Amram 57446 56827 54642
15Internet Browsers SmileyCoder TEST_C Wheatmidge 59823 58085 56576
14Stephen King Books TheSmileyCoder Katra zaphod 59154 58333 58119
13Obscure Metal Bands zaphod TheSmileyCoder DethbyIT 56843 56729 56577
12Ships From Alien Movies Lord_Farin zaphod Durban 58574 57986 57602
11Ancient Ones zaphod TheSmileyCoder DethbyIT 57865 57670 56480
10Scifi Series TheSmileyCoder Lord_Farin ctuna 58031 57010 52224
9Authors TheSmileyCoder mopa42 Lord_Farin 60964 60899 59560
8Months DethbyIT Katra ctuna 56414 55397 45177
7A.I.s mopa42 Katra hegemontree 57300 56383 21768
6Movies with Arnold Schwarzenegger jlog Katra RichieRich 60330 58368 46189
5World Record Running Times Evil Roc Lord_Farin jlog 60417 59773 59403
4<html>2011 <abbr title=“International Mathematical Olympiad”>IMO</abbr> winners</html>Fisherck florrat Evil Roc 63125 63040 62691
3Highest Mountains florrat Evil Roc jlog 58881 58223 57826
2Palindrones Fisherck mopa42 alladin 58949 57781 57738
1Units Kithros Evil Roc mopa42 59477 58975 57514