Every competitor will have until Sunday evening at midnight (forum time (GMT - 5)) to set the best scores/times for these 5 maps, all linked together by their common theme, so just start playing!
The winner (best total score) gets to pick a new theme and publish the dates to be played before Monday evening at midnight (forum time). This will ensure the winner doesn't have a major advantage and also makes sure that every player has 6 days to participate. Last weeks winner is also responsible for determining next weeks winner by calculating/checking the total scores.
Each tournament will have its own topic (Created by the winner of the previous week's tournament) where players can post scores and discuss their progress.
From: Weekly 5-Map Tournament topic on Knuckle Cracker forums
Map Name: | Size: | Complexity: |
Saul Goodman | Small | Medium |
Walter White Jr. | Medium | Medium |
Jesse Pinkman | Small | High |
Hank Schrader | Medium | High |
Walter White | Large | High |
Results Per Player
Rank | Name | Saul Goodman | Walter White Jr. | Jesse Pinkman | Hank Schrader | Walter White | Total Score | Total Time |
1 | asmussen | 12707 | 11543 | 12276 | 10695 | 9498 | 56719 | 46:35 |
2 | Amram | 12638 | 11266 | 12311 | 9603 | 45818 | ||
3 | MizInIA | 11629 | 10798 | 11413 | 8046 | 41886 | ||
4 | Anarchy Ape | 12411 | 9860 | 11184 | 7947 | 41402 | ||
5 | Cavemaniac | 12753 | 11683 | 12424 | 36860 | |||
6 | dt42 | 12846 | 11534 | 12413 | 36793 | |||
7 | ea3401 | 11974 | 12636 | 11658 | 36268 | |||
8 | inept_celt | 11920 | 10153 | 11674 | 33747 | |||
9 | Atomicfrog | 10250 | 10250 | |||||
10 | Zaggy | 9816 | 9816 |
Scores recorded at 2013-10-04 08:43:47 forum time.
Player | Gold | Silver | Bronze | Points |
Helper | 12 | 10 | 8 | 76 |
TheSmileyCoder | 16 | 4 | 1 | 73 |
dt42 | 5 | 16 | 16 | 68 |
asmussen | 9 | 8 | 10 | 62 |
mopa42 | 7 | 11 | 7 | 57 |
Wheatmidge | 9 | 5 | 3 | 49 |
ea3401 | 9 | 1 | 0 | 38 |
ctuna | 2 | 4 | 12 | 28 |
Katra | 0 | 8 | 3 | 19 |
zaphod | 2 | 4 | 3 | 19 |
Amram | 3 | 1 | 3 | 17 |
Lord_Farin | 1 | 4 | 2 | 14 |
Martin | 1 | 4 | 2 | 14 |
Fisherck | 3 | 0 | 0 | 12 |
florrat | 2 | 2 | 0 | 12 |
Eketek | 2 | 1 | 0 | 10 |
the master | 1 | 3 | 0 | 10 |
Evil Roc | 1 | 2 | 1 | 9 |
Kava09 | 2 | 0 | 0 | 8 |
Cavemaniac | 1 | 1 | 1 | 7 |
Atomicfrog | 0 | 1 | 4 | 6 |
DethbyIT | 1 | 0 | 2 | 6 |
jlog | 1 | 0 | 2 | 6 |
a | 1 | 0 | 0 | 4 |
J | 1 | 0 | 0 | 4 |
Kithros | 1 | 0 | 0 | 4 |
SmileyCoder | 1 | 0 | 0 | 4 |
Marley | 0 | 0 | 3 | 3 |
Zaggy | 0 | 1 | 1 | 3 |
dhc | 0 | 1 | 0 | 2 |
Gu250 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 2 |
TEST_C | 0 | 1 | 0 | 2 |
WheatMidge | 0 | 0 | 2 | 2 |
alladin | 0 | 0 | 1 | 1 |
Durban | 0 | 0 | 1 | 1 |
hegemontree | 0 | 0 | 1 | 1 |
RichieRich | 0 | 0 | 1 | 1 |
sept1973 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 1 |
Tim | 0 | 0 | 1 | 1 |
Tiuipuv | 0 | 0 | 1 | 1 |
UoADeadeye | 0 | 0 | 1 | 1 |
Here is a list of previous tournament maps, starting with the tournament closing on 11 Feb 2013.
Weekly tournaments began on July, 7th 2011 and have been a constant feature of the CW2 Code Missions since then.
Tournament Number | Theme | Gold | Silver | Bronze | Gold Score | Silver Score | Bronze Score | |
94 | Popular names | asmussen | Zaggy | Marley | 59569 | 57492 | 46166 | |
93 | Subjugated by Technology | a | ea3401 | asmussen | 59410 | 57803 | 53860 | |
92 | NFL teams | Eketek | dt42 | asmussen | 58865 | 58307 | 58282 | |
91 | Star Trek series | asmussen | ctuna | Zaggy | 58551 | 58071 | 57677 | |
90 | Last 5 Themes | asmussen | ctuna | dt42 | 58802 | 58641 | 58246 | |
89 | Beer Brands Part I | ea3401 | asmussen | ctuna | 60237 | 59247 | 59163 | |
88 | Monty Python Players | ea3401 | asmussen | Martin | 58592 | 55820 | 44450 | |
87 | Novel from book series | asmussen | Martin | Marley | 59356 | 58478 | 57735 | |
86 | Mystery Writers | dt42 | Martin | ctuna | 55956 | 55915 | 55591 | |
85 | Knights of the Round Table | ctuna | Martin | asmussen | 57516 | 57246 | 57149 | |
84 | Constellations | asmussen | dt42 | Martin | 58858 | 58358 | 57480 | |
83 | Conic Sections | asmussen | dt42 | Marley | 55387 | 55264 | 53514 | |
82 | Unsolved Math Problems | asmussen | dt42 | ctuna | 60270 | 59790 | 59608 | |
81 | Out of our Solar System | mopa42 | dt42 | asmussen | 57726 | 56682 | 56086 | |
80 | Creeper World 3 Blog Entries | mopa42 | dt42 | asmussen | 59644 | 58340 | 58028 | |
79 | The Five Food Groups | asmussen | dhc | dt42 | 56190 | 48522 | 45221 | |
78 | Fencing Terms | dt42 | asmussen | Tim | 57689 | 57646 | 55117 | |
77 | Hitchhiker's Guide | ctuna | dt42 | asmussen | 60512 | 60351 | 59971 | |
76 | US States | dt42 | ctuna | asmussen | 59050 | 58759 | 58685 | |
75 | Relaxation | ea3401 | asmussen | Atomicfrog | 62634 | 62183 | 61985 | |
74 | Color | ea3401 | Eketek | asmussen | 58844 | 57062 | 54249 | |
73 | Military Officers of Music | Eketek | Cavemaniac | dt42 | 58674 | 58550 | 58101 | |
72 | Deep Space 9 Characters | Amram | asmussen | dt42 | 59698 | 59651 | 59178 | |
71 | Blake's 7 Characters | dt42 | asmussen | sept1973 | 59615 | 58719 | 56709 | |
70 | Actors who've played Doctor Who | asmussen | dt42 | Atomicfrog | 59899 | 59201 | 59170 | |
69 | Supporting Wolfe Characters | Helper | dt42 | Tiuipuv | 58648 | 58319 | 58221 | |
68 | Nero Wolfe Characters | Helper | ctuna | Atomicfrog | 58237 | 58169 | 58154 | |
67 | Nero Wolfe Novels | Helper | mopa42 | ctuna | 59532 | 59247 | 58952 | |
66 | Coda | mopa42 | Helper | dt42 | 61838 | 61804 | 61147 | |
65 | Great Mathematicians | mopa42 | Helper | dt42 | 60112 | 59072 | 58996 | |
64 | Chill Out, Bro | Helper | Lord_Farin | mopa42 | 60060 | 60011 | 59949 | |
63 | Batman Fight Scene Sound Effects | ea3401 | Wheatmidge | Helper | 57878 | 57267 | 55555 | |
62 | Experimental Week | ea3401 | asmussen | mopa42 | 58407 | 54929 | 44150 | |
61 | Random Code maps that look fun | ea3401 | mopa42 | Helper | 60203 | 59650 | 59625 | |
60 | A young woman named Bright | TheSmileyCoder | mopa42 | Helper | 61363 | 61124 | 61002 | |
59 | Top 5 Cars of All Time | Helper | asmussen | dt42 | 58624 | 58456 | 57739 | |
58 | Classic Rock Bands | Helper | dt42 | Atomicfrog | 57753 | 56999 | 56781 | |
57 | More Apocalypses | Wheatmidge | Helper | mopa42 | 61233 | 61056 | 56781 | |
56 | Happy new year | Helper | Atomicfrog | asmussen | 56932 | 56234 | 54537 | |
55 | Merry Christmas | ea3401 | Gu250 | asmussen | 59539 | 57576 | 57442 | |
54 | Some Bond Girls | ea3401 | Helper | dt42 | 61367 | 60942 | 60506 | |
53 | Previous themes | florrat | TheSmileyCoder | Helper | 58693 | 58237 | 57582 | |
52 | Fun With Names | TheSmileyCoder | florrat | Helper | 61973 | 61971 | 61180 | |
51 | Candy | TheSmileyCoder | Helper | dt42 | 58537 | 57023 | 56613 | |
50 | Gravity | Wheatmidge | TheSmileyCoder | Helper | 59652 | 59638 | 59007 | |
49 | Coming Attractions | TheSmileyCoder | mopa42 | Helper | 61923 | 61453 | 61056 | |
48 | US Presidential election 2012 | TheSmileyCoder | Helper | dt42 | 59588 | 58156 | 57429 | |
47 | Greek Gods | TheSmileyCoder | Helper | Lord_Farin | 59196 | 58952 | 58759 | |
46 | Card Games | TheSmileyCoder | Wheatmidge | dt42 | 61157 | 60011 | 59977 | |
45 | Codes | TheSmileyCoder | the master | Wheatmidge | 58405 | 58370 | 57711 | |
44 | Doctor Who | TheSmileyCoder | mopa42 | Wheatmidge | 59619 | 59410 | 59273 | |
43 | “Big Bang Theory” (Wimmens) | TheSmileyCoder | Helper | mopa42 | 60044 | 59847 | 59819 | |
42 | Famous Competitions | TheSmileyCoder | Helper | mopa42 | 60725 | 60153 | 60014 | |
41 | Animal Group Names | TheSmileyCoder | Wheatmidge | mopa42 | 60101 | 60020 | 59955 | |
40 | Star Trek, the original | Helper | mopa42 | TheSmileyCoder | 59004 | 58856 | 58571 | |
39 | Moments in Computer History | Helper | Lord_Farin | ctuna | 56339 | 56102 | 54324 | |
38 | The Best Of The Best | TheSmileyCoder | Helper | ctuna | 22821 | 22012 | 10950 | |
37 | 5 Fastest Production Cars | Helper | dt42 | ctuna | 59608 | 58329 | 57967 | |
36 | Kingdom Hearts | Helper | dt42 | ctuna | 58971 | 58697 | 58277 | |
35 | Semper Fidelis | Wheatmidge | dt42 | Helper | 58346 | 57762 | 57231 | |
34 | Beautiful girl of the Whedonverse | Helper | Martin | ctuna | 56299 | 54710 | 53242 | |
33 | Stages of the Big Bang | Martin | the master | dt42 | 58214 | 58202 | 57573 | |
32 | Expensive Paintings | the master | dt42 | Katra | 58422 | 56623 | 55654 | |
31 | Famous Addresses | Fisherck | the master | Cavemaniac | 59779 | 59734 | 59543 | |
30 | Blake's Poems | Cavemaniac | Katra | UoADeadeye | 59332 | 56989 | 54276 | |
29 | Cool Elements | Wheatmidge | dt42 | ctuna | 56961 | 56813 | 55809 | |
28 | Planets | dt42 | Katra | zaphod | 42179 | 40565 | 32627 | |
27 | Bloons in btd5 | Wheatmidge | zaphod | dt42 | 59514 | 58448 | 57213 | |
26 | Character Classes in Diablo 3 | J | Wheatmidge | dt42 | 57632 | 57574 | 57366 | |
25 | Characters from Discworld Novels | Wheatmidge | dt42 | Katra | 59995 | 59581 | 59315 | |
24 | My Recent Music Findings | Kava09 | zaphod | WheatMidge | 61855 | 61585 | 61399 | |
23 | Extinct Languages | Kava09 | zaphod | WheatMidge | 60322 | 59971 | 59679 | |
22 | Dragonlance | mopa42 | Amram | Katra | 56257 | 54729 | 54614 | |
21 | R.A. Salvatore's Novels | Wheatmidge | mopa42 | Amram | 56298 | 56278 | 55840 | |
20 | CW2 Anagrams | Amram | Wheatmidge | zaphod | 59015 | 58897 | 58538 | |
19 | Elements | mopa42 | Katra | dt42 | 55565 | 53437 | 52754 | |
18 | Ancient Quotes | Wheatmidge | mopa42 | Amram | 55607 | 55570 | 54665 | |
17 | Characters of Final Fantasy | Amram | Katra | dt42 | 58625 | 58444 | 58116 | |
16 | Well Known Figures of Taiwan | Wheatmidge | mopa42 | Amram | 57446 | 56827 | 54642 | |
15 | Internet Browsers | SmileyCoder | TEST_C | Wheatmidge | 59823 | 58085 | 56576 | |
14 | Stephen King Books | TheSmileyCoder | Katra | zaphod | 59154 | 58333 | 58119 | |
13 | Obscure Metal Bands | zaphod | TheSmileyCoder | DethbyIT | 56843 | 56729 | 56577 | |
12 | Ships From Alien Movies | Lord_Farin | zaphod | Durban | 58574 | 57986 | 57602 | |
11 | Ancient Ones | zaphod | TheSmileyCoder | DethbyIT | 57865 | 57670 | 56480 | |
10 | Scifi Series | TheSmileyCoder | Lord_Farin | ctuna | 58031 | 57010 | 52224 | |
9 | Authors | TheSmileyCoder | mopa42 | Lord_Farin | 60964 | 60899 | 59560 | |
8 | Months | DethbyIT | Katra | ctuna | 56414 | 55397 | 45177 | |
7 | A.I.s | mopa42 | Katra | hegemontree | 57300 | 56383 | 21768 | |
6 | Movies with Arnold Schwarzenegger | jlog | Katra | RichieRich | 60330 | 58368 | 46189 | |
5 | World Record Running Times | Evil Roc | Lord_Farin | jlog | 60417 | 59773 | 59403 | |
4 | <html>2011 <abbr title=“International Mathematical Olympiad”>IMO</abbr> winners</html> | Fisherck | florrat | Evil Roc | 63125 | 63040 | 62691 | |
3 | Highest Mountains | florrat | Evil Roc | jlog | 58881 | 58223 | 57826 | |
2 | Palindrones | Fisherck | mopa42 | alladin | 58949 | 57781 | 57738 | |
1 | Units | Kithros | Evil Roc | mopa42 | 59477 | 58975 | 57514 |