~~NOTOC~~ * [[4rpl:commands:GetTableElement|Get]] * [[4rpl:commands:SetTableElement|Set]] ====== SetTableElement ====== SetTableElement(<-table <-key <-value) ===== Description ===== Sets an element in a table. Note that keys are case sensitive strings. For doing the same thing but with arguments in order of **value**, **table**, **key**, see [[4rpl:commands:settableelementrpn|SetTableElementRPN]]. A special syntax can also be used to set a table element. See the example below. ===== Examples ===== CreateTable ->table SetTableElement(<-table "SomeKey" 42) GetTableElement(<-table "SomeKey") Trace # prints "42" # alternate syntax # Use curly braces around to surround the key. 42 ->table{"SomeKey"}