~~NOTOC~~ :!: Available in version 41 and later. ====== SetCreeperInArea ====== SetCreeperInArea(<-area <-creeper <-probability <-isRound) ===== Description ===== Sets creeper in area.\\ Area: A V4 specifying the lower left and upper right of an area.\\ Creeper: An int amount; 1000000 is equivalent to a creeper depth of 1.0, while -1000000 is equivalent to an anti-creeper depth of 1.0.\\ Probability: A float in the range of 0 to 1 indicating the probability creeper will be deposited in a cell.\\ IsRound: When true, the area specifies an elliptical area. When false, a rectangular area.\\ ===== Examples ===== SetCreeperInArea(V4(5 10 20 20), 100 1000000 *, 0.5 true)